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Marshawn Lynch talking to Raiders?


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Marshawn Lynch joining the Raiders is reportedly being held up by one big issue
Beast Mode and the Raiders apparently don't see eye to eye on this one thing

It looks like we finally know what's holding up Marshawn Lynch's potential deal with the Raiders, and surprise, surprise, it's the thing that holds up most deals in the NFL: money.
According to the San Francisco Chronicle, Beast Mode and the Raiders haven't agreed to terms on a contract because they can't agree on how much Lynch should be paid in 2017.
Once Lynch officially comes out of retirement, he'll be scheduled to make $9 million in base salary for the upcoming season. Apparently, Beast Mode doesn't expect to make that full amount, but he does expect the Raiders to pay him at least half of that ($4.5 million).
The problem for Lynch is that the Raiders don't want to pay him a dime more than $3 million, according to the Chronicle. Basically, the teams are at a $1.5 million impasse, and they have less than a week to figure things out.
Maybe the Raiders could pay different in tickets which he could donate to his various charities since sales to Raiders games are expected to be done.
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