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Which Bills make a play when one is needed? My thoughts:


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I'd love an example. You either have me confused with another poster or are just making stuff up in the desperate hope to take attention away from the truly ridiculous things you've said in just this very thread. The only two players I've gone out to defend repeatedly are McCoy and Watkins. Because they're both elite playmakers who make this team better. I get that you don't understand the salary cap in the NFL and have gone on record as saying McCoy's contract is an "albatross", but that doesn't mean he's not an elite player. He's shown that the past few games in case you haven't been paying attention. I mean, I know it's hard for casual fans to keep track of stuff like how well a team's lead RB is doing. :rolleyes:


So, try again. Or, better yet, instead of making stuff up about my posts, quote me or stick to your own ramblings about how everyone on here is a casual fan compared to your overwhelming knowledge of the sport. Clearly, as you've continually demonstrated with threads like these, your own knowledge of the game is highly suspect or at the very least driven by a sizable agenda.


Either one makes for poor football discussion. Step your game up, we'll all thank you for it. :beer:


You went berzerk everytime I tried to tell you this was an 8-8/9-7 roster at best.

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