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[closed]Did the deflation of the game balls effect opponents Field G

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I really think that separate of the whole Pats didn't tell the truth & hide material facts is did their deflation of the game balls effect opponents Field Goal attempts ?? I can personally assure you that a deflated ball will not travel as far as a well inflated ball, which really skewed the game towards the home town Pats. How many field goals were attempted by the Pats & who controls which balls go in and out of the game ? I'll bet almost anything that the home team threw out deflated balls on obvious FG plays & threw in regular balls on their plays, it's a given.

I'd look for the organization to really get smacked based on this near assured situation, please let me know what you think.

Edited by mitchmurraydowntown
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Both teams provide footballs that are marked for use for their respective teams on special teams plays, from what I understand.

Do their opponents have a person to handle the game balls or is it just the home team. If it's just the home team, then I'll go with they play dirty pool & it'll show up in the stats past just fumbles.

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