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Jones to the Bears?


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I just don't see why this is a big concern/story. The guy who Mularkey hired had a different style. That's basically it.


Welcome to the retard rodeo. Giddyup.


Heaven forbid the guy who has the ultimate responsibility for success/failure hire the guy he wants. Crazy.

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They must have a HOF for everything . I read the new hire, Roll, is in the Strength and Conditioning HOF. No joke.


Jones ideal was conditioning, endurance. A more lean player. Worked well with the no-huddle type offensive players. Lineman were smaller, quicker.


Roll likes his guys bigger and stronger. Likes his lineman to look like the old Redskin Hogs, who just outsized and overpowered their opponents. That's probably a fair example.

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They must have a HOF for everything . I read the new hire, Roll, is in the Strength and Conditioning HOF. No joke.


Jones ideal was conditioning, endurance. A more lean player. Worked well with the no-huddle type offensive players. Lineman were smaller, quicker.


Roll likes his guys bigger and stronger. Likes his lineman to look like the old Redskin Hogs, who just outsized and overpowered their opponents. That's probably a fair example.



The no huddle era Bills lineman were probably among the NFL top 10 for overall size (save for Ritcher and fina who were smaller framed guys who pumped the iron like mothers to keep the weight on).


S&C practices are fairly uniform on the pro even college level. Have the athlete strong/lean enough to fulfill the demands of his position and or scheme. Explosive lifting (O lifts, Bands), training for maximum strength (deads/squats), plyos, sprinting, restorative stretching etc.


Most of these guys on the pro level are genetic freaks and can succeed in spite of slight training variations.


Interesting enough, the Hogs were successful despite using a low volume non explosive training method (HIT). The practice is generally thought to be ineffective for developing the strength properties needed for football. So were the Hogs successful in spite of their conditioning approach?


Penn State is another program that uses HIT, and some believe lack of proper football conditioning contributes their recent woes.


I really doubt the Bills switch had much to do with conditioning program and more to do with MM's relationship with Roll.

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