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Will the penalties continue...


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I hope not. I do have a theory about penalties, though. The NFL is anti-Buffalo. Every game I watch other teams getaway with all kinds crap and we get called if a guy sneezes at the line of scrimmage. It seems as though the refs watch the Bills without blinking and turn a blind eye to our opponents. Does everyone else agree?

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I hope not. I do have a theory about penalties, though. The NFL is anti-Buffalo. Every game I watch other teams getaway with all kinds crap and we get called if a guy sneezes at the line of scrimmage. It seems as though the refs watch the Bills without blinking and turn a blind eye to our opponents. Does everyone else agree?


It does not help that the Bills have been pretty inept on the penalties recently and would still be drawing more than average. Having said that there will be always an element of 'these guys commit lots of infractions so I have to watch them more carefully' in all sports. If you have a good rep you are less likely to get caught as the officials are not looking out for it as much. Not anti-Buffalo really, just a bit of human nature creeping in, IMHO.

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I also really doubt the anti-Bills conspiracy angle. I just don't think we are that important to the powers that be that they would run the huge risks to their making money hand over fist to actively get a bunch of people (someone would talk because there would be profit for them in doing that) to hose the Bills.


What is more likely is not that the refs are out to get the Bills, but that the refs routinely and without conspiring give the showboats and glory guys in the league a break. Nothing succeeds like success and I think that refs are unlikely to make every marginal call against a Parcells or Belicheck led team because they are so good.


Michael Jordan received the benefit of this effect in the NBA from refs for years as a call that would be traveling against a rookie or less accomplished player was deemed common place on his part.


I do think the Bills get more than their share of calls against them, but this can be reversed by us being a success. In the glory days of the K-Gun, I think there were lots of marginal calls for not being set long enough which we got away with because the it was typical of the K-Gun to run things close to the edge in this hurry-up offense, everyone was struggling to catch up and it produced so darn well.


Human beings love conspiracy theories because they at least give the feel of someone being in control and keeps the focus of activity on ME, but life i think is a lot more random than that and we're really not that important that it takes a conspiracy to hold us down.

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