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Is Stuart Scott's eye getting worse?


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While doing a story about the Jets, (2002?) Scott was working out with the Wr's and in a drill where your back is to the jugs gun "throwing" the footballs and having to turn around and make the catch, Scott got hit in his left eye, splitting his cornea and lens.


It required several operations and he missed almost 3 months of work.


What makes things worse, is when Scott was younger, he sustained a detached retina in his right eye and counted on the 20/20 vision in his left eye to see well.




Stu's ailment brings back memories of the whole Marcia Brady "Oh my nose" episode. I lost interest in Maureen McCormick after that because she couldn't catch and turned my attention to Eve Plumb.


Berman's hair--take it from a bald guy--combovers are always stupid looking--go bald with dignity.

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