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[closed]Seems like Mary and Co. want more $

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After the Bids were supposed to be closed at set deadline. They are now opening up bids again. This is for one reason only,to make more money. This lets Toronto or anybody else back in,to find more money. Seems like she`s a money grubber also. Hope somebody bids enough to keep them here. It seems like Toronto could still buy them and she could give a rats azz. The not moving thing with them will last as long as the lease. Bet on it. Everything still points at the nfl giving Toronto more than enough shots. The Bon Jovi lunches,the bid extension,the post game party by Bon Jovi to win more people over. Pegula needs to put in a can`t be beat bid and hope the owners approve him.Goodell has gone out of his way for Jovi.

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