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there is a reason Modrak is still in Buffalo..


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Uhh, I know that this may be an unpopular thing to say, but I am still not sure that Terrance Mcgee is a solid NFL corner. He is a special teams monster for sure, and deserves a roster spot on that alone. His coverage skills are decent, but not close to Troy Vincent (or at least Troy Vincent in his prime). If the rest of the Bills defense hadn't played as well as it had, I believe that McGee would have been the weak spot on the defense. I think he is very good, but is still a year or two away, as a corner. It is a very tough position to play, and he is learning, but still has a few lessons to go...

Agreed tex. He looked real good coming out of the gate and then leveled off, which is fine. But the problem is that he really never got better as the season progressed. At this point he's still a liability on 3rd down, has trouble in the short zones and is regularly attacked for conversions by teams who do good work in the filmroom.

I hope the offseason gives him the time and opportunity to polish his game, because iof he's going to man the corner for a co-ordinator like Gray who loves to blitz, his man-cover skills have got to improve, and fast.

I'm actually sort of intrigued by what he might look like at the Free while Vincent logs one more year on the corner.


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um..buffoon. If you're going to call someone a name at least spell it right please. If not you sounds like a "MOERAWN."




LMFAO!!!! :devil::lol::lol::lol:



The saddest thing about this post is that nearly 800 "pearls" of equally fine quality have gone before it.

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