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Question About Medication During Games

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To my understanding Cortisone and lidocaine. So an anti inflammatory and a pain killer. The problem is you can lose sense of pain in that joint and injure it further


True. Byron Leftwich would have had his teammates carry him to the huddle... The NFL these days, not so much...


I thought you were posting about medication for TSW posters. :lol:


There IS no cure for TSW posters during games... This I know...

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I've often heard players say, I went to the locker room, got a "shot" and went back out there...


What is that injection that players get and in EJ's case, would it have helped?


Are you questioning EJs toughness?


The issue wasn't about dealing with pain rather not risking further injury. You don't get shots for sprained knee ligaments


I myself medicate before during and heavily after the game

Edited by Max997
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