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Film Study: Rookie QB's 2012

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Well, I talked myself into getting NFL rewind, only to be reminded as to how depressing last season was. So instead, I want to take a look at how some of the other rookie QB's played coming out.


I'm starting with Russel Wilson, partly because we heard so many howls of "We could have had him!", and partly because he's a very mobile QB who was reportedly slowly brought along until he became something special. I would like to remind people that while RG3 and Luck found almost immediate success, it was Wilson and the Seahawks who battled through the Wild Card round.


I started, perhaps fittingly, with Week 1 against the Cardinals.



Dear God, the Cardinal's O-line was just as bad as everyone said it was.


It's interesting, seeing RW play Week One, knowing how good he gets by January. In the first half, there are a lot of throws that are behind the reciever where his timing seems off. There are a lot of choices to throw the ball into the backfield which either lead to losses or (in one case) an incomplete backwards pass and fumble.


RW really starts to settle into a groove near the end of the 1st half.


Seattle uses HEAVY doses of Marshawn Lynch, even though he doesn't break off any real beauties.


The greatest success RW seems to have is with short and intermediate throws over the middle. I don't remember any long completions, and attempts to sail it don't go well.


With the game on the line in the final minutes, Wilson chokes. It can't be argued that he doesn't get a bite at the apple either, as there are two defensive pass interference calls on 3rd down in the red zone which give him a new set of downs. RW tends to lock onto a receiver and tries to force it into coverage, not matter how well their man is guarded (admittedly, the Cards had good coverage) and Wilson just can't get it done.


What does this mean for the Bills?

Locks onto a target? Throws slightly mistimed? Sticking with short passes over the middle to build a drive? Does this sound familiar to anyone else? To me, it sounds like every complaint I've heard about EJ's bad side.


Remembering that the next time these teams meet, the 'Hawks blow out the Cards 58-0, this should be a decent study in patience.


Are there any other games people would like me to post on?

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