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Post the highlight video of the player you want in the draft.

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Matt Scott time guys. The kid can chuck it with his feet set or on the move. He's moves better than anybody I've seen with that big of an arm this side of Robert Griffin III and Kaepernick. He can sling it though. That's my main concern.


Edited by BoozeCruise
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I jus' wanna say: this is a brilliant kind of thread. you set the stage, and guys all go out there and do the work. they FIND these vids, they tell you how they feel, and everyone feels good. it's what this forum is all about, bro!


ok then, 'nuff luv 4 da OP lol

on to all the rest:

don't even care what player you send up, the fact that you did means you rock. you are giving us what we want.. we wanna see it, feel it.. we want HOPE.

and, we want to share our frustration with thousands of others who feel the same as we do.


can life get any better?

sure it can, but all this is one serious start.

ok, then... it MUST be time for the season now.... guyzzz ???



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I jus' wanna say: this is a brilliant kind of thread. you set the stage, and guys all go out there and do the work. they FIND these vids, they tell you how they feel, and everyone feels good. it's what this forum is all about, bro!


ok then, 'nuff luv 4 da OP lol

on to all the rest:

don't even care what player you send up, the fact that you did means you rock. you are giving us what we want.. we wanna see it, feel it.. we want HOPE.

and, we want to share our frustration with thousands of others who feel the same as we do.


can life get any better?

sure it can, but all this is one serious start.

ok, then... it MUST be time for the season now.... guyzzz ???






Are you gonna post a video?

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