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[closed]why you cut fitz...

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if you cut him now, he gets no bonus money, saving 3 million plus right off the bat. yes you will take a 10 million dollar cap hit, but you take that regardless....so so far we save 3 million by cutting him.


Now lets say we keep him as a backup, well then your on the hook for over 4 million next year and 7 million the year after. The highets payouts of his contract are the final 4 season....so you take the 10 million in cap hit this season and cut your ties because he is costing you 10 mil regardless, but you get to smile a bit because you save 3 million this year and then you arent paying an additional 30 million over the next few years to a backup QB not to mention any other roster bonuses that he may be lined up with.

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