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The Pro Bowl / Could It B More Competitive ?

T master

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All the talk around the Pro Bowl is that it is not played very hard & at times has been thought to be on it's way out B/C of the lack of competitive play on the field.


Could Baseball have something in their all-star game ?


Next year there is a cold weather SB, it will be the first one in a long time & if the pro bowl was played to determine which conference AFC/NFC would host the SB could that be the catalyst to make the pro bowl play more competitive or pride worthy than just a vacation for the players ?


If the NFL were to introduce such a rule & each year include a list of cities that would be willing to host future SB's (cold weather cities included) & have the pro bowl determine which conference team & city would host he SB say 4 years ahead, then the chosen city would have time to get their respective city ready for the event.


Of course the city in putting their names or application in to host a SB would already need to have a package or the OK for funding to make changes to be the host city prepared before they put in their application.


Cities like New Orleans, Miami, Dallas would all ready have a leg up but smaller cities like the Buffalo's, Green Bay, Cleveland, Cincinnati, types with the possibility of hosting just 1 SB might be able to move ahead with stadium deals or make upgrades like Buffalo has in mind which would generate A TON of revenue for the area.


Plus you would think that monies would be made easier to get if the regions gov't knew they would be generating the kind of revenue that they would B/C of the SB.


If they thought the Toronto series brought in fans from Canada can you imagine what a SB would do for the Buffalo region ?


Go ahead Bills fans it's your turn, could the Pro Bowl be made more competitive & be the over all decision maker of which conference & conference city could host the SB ?

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