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OT Cleveland 22 Yankees 0


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I'm a Yankee fan and I'm concerned. The 22-0 loss is a non-issue. It's one loss, and nothing more than a couple of days of "rub it in" ammo for Yankee haters. The Yankees have won a lot of late inning games and relied on their line-up to supply W's. The defense is adequate, but the pitching is suspect. That does not add up to a championship team IMHO. They need Mussina, Brown and Vasquez to either stay healthy or start showing some consistency The team has enough veterans who understand winning. I don't expect panic to set in. Boston has been pretty hot and due for their annual swoon. I'm optimistic the Yankees will take the AL East. However, I'm not optimistic they'll go far into the playoffs.

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Pitching is the biggest part of a team! I dont know where you get that picthing is not very important LMAO. Like ive been saying to every baseball fan i talk to.... The Spankees have no pitching...NONE!! The Red Sox do. The red sox offense is great. It is kind of funny though A-Rods teams dont do good when hes there but just look at them when he leaves??? LMAO (CANCER) The Red sox will win the division. The one thing im hoping for is when the Red Sox are done with the Halos and the A's they stay hot so the Spankees dont make the playoffs period!!! Im waiting to here about georgie poorgie jumping of empire state building seeing he attended the game last night at the TOILET!!!

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The Red Sox already had their swoon for 3 months. Now just like last year we are hot at the right time! Last year we were beat because of little being a idiot! Now it is REDSOX time BABY!!!

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Very happy day, I am in such a good mood it is unbelievable....




And you are 3 1/2 games BEHIND? On September 1st, boy Red Sox fans dont have big expectations :unsure:


Lets see the Red Sox take it all, all i hear is Red Sox fans moaning about last year "ONLY Grady Little cost us the series"....well maybe Mr All World Pedro could have stepped up his game too....


Since you Red Sox fans are now talking so much trash, I expect to see you pass the Yankees and like I said its about time....Yankees obviosuly dont have what it takes this year

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Look who has crawled out of his hole.  :unsure:


Fate is playing another cruel (to T-Boned and his alter ego Guest) joke;  Yanks will go an a win spurt and Soxs will choke as usual.  It's just destiny. 


Stock up on supplies before you head underground again.




I never post as a guest....

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Yeah, I kind of figured the Red Sox fans would start talking smack again. All we heard all during spring training and all throughtout April and May was Red Sox this and Red Sox that. Funny how most of the summer you kept your mouths shut. By contrast, I haven't posted a thing about baseball in weeks, probably not since the end of May. Being a life-long Yankees fan, I had every reason to gloat while the Yankees were pulling away from the Sox. You know why I didn't? Because there is nothing to argue about. When the Red Sox get to the World Series and WIN IT, then I'll be the first to tip my cap to the organization and to the long-suffering and loyal fans. Until then, though, zip it.

The fact is, you're still 3.5 games out of first. And while the Yankees have some SERIOUS issues, there isn't a team in the Major Leagues that doesn't have one reason or another to be concerned about how they will perform in the playoffs.

The rest of the games played in the Major Leagues this year will be played in months that end in the letter R. That alone alleviates my worries about what the Red Sox are going to do. Yankee fans have a pretty good idea how this is going to play out.

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Wow...I thought this was a joke.  Yankee fans can say what they want, but no way they are not starting to panic at this point.




The writing has been on the wall with this Yankees team for awhile now, its just that the offense outhomering everyone has patched up their definicies temporarily...their SP and even middle relief woes are being expo$ed


Well if there is 1 silver lining for the Yanks fan it may be 1996: Yankees were crusing with a big lead and almost had a major meltdown, I remember Baltimore got withing 2 games or even 1 game of the yankees if I remember correctly...Yankees did then get their act together in Mid-September and eventually won the World Series...2 different teams no doubt, but its still not too late to turn things around.

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Yanks fans....I hate to break this to you.....but the Sox are going to win the division.


Here's why.


Look at the run differental between the two teams.


Yanks have scored 722 and allowed 663

Sox have scored 749 and allowed 608


The Sox have both a better offense and a better pitching staff over the season.


I don't care who win but my choice right now will be with the Sox.


The Yanks are going to have to pull themselves out of the crapper if they want to hold this lead.

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