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So can we talk about SJ attitude for a minute


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How about we let Stevie speak for himself?


"Stevie Johnson had a nice catch and run 49 yard touchdown against Kansas City. He is not at all upset that the Bills have been running more, “It’s kind of been a surprise to us because you know coach Gailey, he’s great at making those pass plays and putting people in places where we can succeed on the outside, but as of lately, it’s been a running attack and we’ve got to adjust to that. That’s what’s keeping us going so let’s ride that wave and we’re all in so we’ll see how long it’ll be until the defenses start switching up and we have to step up as receivers so it’s just a part of the game plan now.”


Now how about moving forward, would it be a shock to Johnson if they stayed with this method? He said, “I wouldn’t be surprised, I wouldn’t even be mad because it’s winning us games. I would be selfish and I would be a fool to say, ‘Oh no, we need to keep four wide receivers and keep throwing the ball' when running is what’s getting us down the field and scoring touchdowns. If we have to switch to one wide receiver, if it’s going to get us touchdowns, I’m ready to be a part of that.”




I think his choice of the word fool is the right one.


Look...I noticed the same body language as well. However, drawing sweeping conclusions off a small amount of body language...without enough accompanying data, like what did he say, do, hear, etc., isn't a good plan. This is what gets you beat at the poker table. You see one thing...and while that thing is real...you draw the wrong conclusion on what it means. Better to sit, wait, see if you see it again, but more importantly, observe what happened before it, and what happened after.


In this case, what happened after? He got a TD...came running down the sidelines, and shouted "Let's GO!" to the fans....similar to what David Nelson did last year in the Pats game. That behavior is certainly not sulking. It could mean lots of things. Perhaps he's just happy he just "got it done"? Perhaps he just wants the next play to be as good as his? Perhaps he's trying to fire us all up? Perhaps, in his opinion, we weren't into the game enough, and he was pissed at us, hence the sulking and then the "let's go"? Or, he was calling himself out for dogging it, and the "Let's Go" was for him....while looking at the fans for support? Who knows? Stevie.


We could conclude that he's sulking about playcalling/Fitz. But...the evidence clearly shows that we conclude at least 5 other things as well.


It's highly unfair to Stevie for us to go casting aspersions on him based on this amount of body language...especially since he said what he did above. Of course players lie all the time. It's unfair to start accusing him of something until we see more. Drawing any sort of definitive conclusion now is highly suspect.

Edited by OCinBuffalo
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