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[closed]Fitzpatrick on the interceptions WGR55

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I'm sure his segment will be in the audiovault soon. For people who are interested he was asked directly about the interceptions and he said the first one was late which Revis picked off. The second was a bad pass, "I didn't step into the throw". The third he just explained it and I quote "it was just a bad decision on my part" (the pick 6).

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I'm sure his segment will be in the audiovault soon. For people who are interested he was asked directly about the interceptions and he said the first one was late which Revis picked off. The second was a bad pass, "I didn't step into the throw". The third he just explained it and I quote "it was just a bad decision on my part" (the pick 6).


I'll give him this: he's always been a stand up guy. Unlike someone like Flutie who never took responsibility for his poor play, Fitz takes it like a man whether it's actually his fault or not. He never gives excuses or blames others.


Of course, I'd prefer it if he didn't make so many mistakes that he had to step up and take responsibility for.

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