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Just got back from the jags v. Saints


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Mike mularkey at the helm tonight had a call that stuck out big time.... Surprise onside kick to start the second half.... Odd for preseason, no?


I guess it's worth getting on film, but it really seemed out of place


Otherwise a fun game. Came down to a 4th down heave while getting hit for the jags go ahead td. Gabbert played well. Saints corners played awful (Greer out). Refs flagged everything. Between that and 4 reviews in the first half, the game pace was near unbearable. I'm talking 6(?) penalties in about 8-9 plays at one point. Funny thing being an all out fight where henne was taken to the ground a good 15 seconds after the play was not flagged in that stretch.


Fun night - good to be back at a live game!

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Well, I didn't go to the Bills-Vikes game last night but I did watch it on television.


And I was shocked to see how unprepared this team is for the reguarl season.


But I watched the game with some friends who attended several training camp sessions and their assessment was that since we have such a solid-prepared defense, coach Chan Gailey already knows what the offense is going to do on opening day. Ryan Fitzpatrick and the offense has been practicing against this defense for weeks.


They felt that to the 2012 Bills these preseason games are nothing more than another practice session and that Gailey DOESN'T have his players playing 100% in these scrimmages.


Hope they're right!!

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