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[closed]What the story with Merriman


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Now I know he's stil under contract. I for one would love to see him at 50 percent of what he used to be with this defense! What's the general consensus? Anyone know where he stands recovery wise?

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lol, I love how our expectations for the guy keep being lowered and lowered

Haha he tore it up in preseason last year and had an up and down season until he got hurt. Just curious where he's at now

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Haha he tore it up in preseason last year and had an up and down season until he got hurt. Just curious where he's at now


I'm with you, man...in that chicago preseason game last year I was stoked to see how well he and Dareus were just blowin' it up. I'd love to have Merriman back. Not getting my hopes up, but I'm cautiously optimistic.

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