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Bills Pass Rush Draft


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I am arguing that the Bills should avoid using the Colts defense as a blue print for success. Nothing against those two players, but it was fun to see Pierre-Paul batting balls down when Brady threw it. Having tall DEs is a favorable factor when Brady is throwing the ball to a 5' nothing Wes Welker.

Ironically, the last regime set about to follow the Colts blueprint exactly. As we already knew, it was a disaster without a QB of Peyton Manning's caliber leading the team. Now, there is no secret at all and everyone knows it. Levy's plan to ape what Polian did, around Captain Checkdown no less, was total failure.

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Ironically, the last regime set about to follow the Colts blueprint exactly. As we already knew, it was a disaster without a QB of Peyton Manning's caliber leading the team. Now, there is no secret at all and everyone knows it. Levy's plan to ape what Polian did, around Captain Checkdown no less, was total failure.

That was all Jauron and his feeble Tampa 2, he kept drafting for that crappy defense long after Levy retired. Small, quick front 7 to get to the ball fast... is lame. Even the man who designed that defense ( Monte Kiffin) had a tough time making it work without superstars on the defense. It was sorta hilarious to watch the Buc's try to keep running that D after Kiffin left Tampa Bay.


The thing is, that defense is based on the old Chuck Noll- Bud Carson steel curtain and it is still a great defense if you don't substitute the big powerful DT's for the smaller quicker players. Reason being, for plugging up the middle against the run and collapsing the pocket on the QB.Plus it also depends on how good the middle linebacker is.




But ya know, I wouldn't be against spending every pick in this years draft to find a decent pass rusher...as it might be the only way this ball club finds one. But then again somehow I doubt they will try that, I mean what if they did and still didn't find one?

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