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Hello All,


I know I am a nube here on TwoBillsDrive, but I needed to reach out to the buffalo community for advice.


I recently moved to San Juan, Puerto Rico for work. I am loving life but struggling to get my Sunday rituals down being so far from Buffalo. I have found a local restaurant that has the package and shows most games. I have spoken with the owner and he is cool with me and other bills fans coming in and having an area reserved for us.


From what I have read in order to set up a BB location you need to fill out some paperwork and get the names and emails of fans in my area. There is space for 20 names. Is this a requirement OR just a suggested number of people? As of current, I have found 3 other buffalo fans in this part of town who will join to watch the games. This obviously doesn't seem like much of a gathering, but I think once word spreads about the location the number will grow.


ALSO, just the location of where this bar is it has plenty of tourists coming by (many Bills fans). I counted 8 one week and 14 another. This is low tourism season in PR too. When winter comes more cruise ships come to port and I suspect there will be more Bills fans.


Just looking for a little advice on proper etiquette starting a chapter and also any advice people may have from their experiences setting up locations.


I think it would be really cool when Buffalo fans from Buffalo and other parts of the world come to PR, they have a spot to watch and cheer on the bills.

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Hello All,


I know I am a nube here on TwoBillsDrive, but I needed to reach out to the buffalo community for advice.


I recently moved to San Juan, Puerto Rico for work. I am loving life but struggling to get my Sunday rituals down being so far from Buffalo. I have found a local restaurant that has the package and shows most games. I have spoken with the owner and he is cool with me and other bills fans coming in and having an area reserved for us.


From what I have read in order to set up a BB location you need to fill out some paperwork and get the names and emails of fans in my area. There is space for 20 names. Is this a requirement OR just a suggested number of people? As of current, I have found 3 other buffalo fans in this part of town who will join to watch the games. This obviously doesn't seem like much of a gathering, but I think once word spreads about the location the number will grow.


ALSO, just the location of where this bar is it has plenty of tourists coming by (many Bills fans). I counted 8 one week and 14 another. This is low tourism season in PR too. When winter comes more cruise ships come to port and I suspect there will be more Bills fans.


Just looking for a little advice on proper etiquette starting a chapter and also any advice people may have from their experiences setting up locations.


I think it would be really cool when Buffalo fans from Buffalo and other parts of the world come to PR, they have a spot to watch and cheer on the bills.

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