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West Coast Offense

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After watching multiple games so far its hard to believe that the west coast offense is now the smashmouth offense now that all these spread formations are being implemented. When I was a kid the WC was the pass happy wuss offense now its the I-formation run offense. Can't believe I am rooting for this offense to make a comeback as I hated it back then but it gets boring watching glorified Arena League football that is passing for the NFL these days. I miss the old days of hard running and hard hitting and wish the league would go back to bump and run all the way down the field and 15 yards or spot of the ball for pass interference. :angry:

Go San Fran, Cleveland and Green bay. :(

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The coaches are adapting to the talent. The size and speed of todays d-lineman and linebackers would shut those 70s and 80s power running games down. Also, the college game produces athletes whose skills translate to a spread offense.

I like that football is and always will be a dynamic sport. Defenses adapt to offenses and offenses adapt in kind. Its the eternal tug of war that keeps the nfl fresh.

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