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No New Taxes

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Back in 2008, candidate Barack Obama turned even Joe the Plumber to his political advantage by playing percentages and pitting the majority of the country against the super-rich. Such was the simplicity of his message that even those attending an American university could grasp it. As one college student told this newspaper at the time, "Everyone knows Obama's only going to raise taxes on those making more than $250,000, and Joe the Plumber does not make more than $250,000."


More remarkable still, Mr. Galston was jumping off from an article in National Review by Reihan Salam, who made the same point about the mathematical impossibilities of Mr. Obama's present tax pledge. Mr. Salam, a policy adviser at the pro-market think tank Economics 21, observes that the revenues Mr. Obama needs to pay for his agenda fall in the rung just below the super-rich—that is, Americans earning between $100,000 and $200,000.
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Anyone stupid enough to have believed him at the time he said that deserves to be punched in the head.


No doubt. My FIL (major Dem supportor, if he hits a pothole, it's because those black Republicans cut funding for road improvements) asked me not long ago if I thought Obama was going back on his promises. I replied that I never believed his BS lies during the campaign, so therefore, I think he's doing exactly as well as I expected...

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