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Good debate... Black coaches


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Guest speedy gonzalez
Someone tell me why Hispanics are not interviewed for the job? As a matter of fact there are more Hispanics in America than there are blacks, so where is the outcry for our Spanish Americans?




You answered your own question...


Someone tell me why Hispanics are not interviewed for the JOB?


that, and the price to replace all the missing equipment week after week would bankrupt the league

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More than  race its the need to break open the old boys network. stevestojantty coaches get recycled over and over, like coughlin etc...



Why is it that in any other profession, relevant experience is the most important quality a job candidate can have. And yet in a head coaching position for a pro sports team, we continue to get people bemoaning the "recycled old boys network"? Perhaps the reason they are "recycled" is because they understand how to coach.


Gee, I guess Belichick should have been tossed on the scrap heap after a few bad years in Cleveland. And Marv should have been put out to pasture after his mediocre years in K.C. <_<

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Why is it that in any other profession, relevant experience is the most important quality a job candidate can have.  And yet in a head coaching position for a pro sports team, we continue to get people bemoaning the "recycled old boys network"?  Perhaps the reason they are "recycled" is because they understand how to coach.


Gee, I guess Belichick should have been tossed on the scrap heap after a few bad years in Cleveland.  And Marv should have been put out to pasture after his mediocre years in K.C.  <_<



Are you kidding? You can point to Levy and Belichick, but there are tons of examples where coaches are recycled just because people are familiar with them. Look at all of the people on here who were crying for Jim Fassel, for chrissakes.


If I understand you correctly, KD, you're saying that those that are recycled are so because they are the smartest ones out there? They're the best coaches? You're saying there are only 3 or so men in the nation that qualify as "smart enough" to be NFL head coaches?


Well, gee golly, KD, then all white people must be genetically superior to the other races since we're just so gosh darn smart and can dominate a field like that. Because OBVIOUSLY the reason white men dominate the field is because they MUST be smarter than anyone else out there.


I bet. You know why the Buffalo Bills or the Kansas City Chiefs or whomever won't hire a black coach? LOOK AT THEIR OWNERS.


These are older fellas, brought up in a different time. You don't think they might be just a LIIIIITTLE discriminating?


Ridiculous. It's just mind boggling to see that some people can never escape a 3rd grade mentality. Others gain a broader worldview and a bit more understanding of the sociological issues we face.

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Are you kidding?  You can point to Levy and Belichick, but there are tons of examples where coaches are recycled just because people are familiar with them. Look at all of the people on here who were crying for Jim Fassel, for chrissakes.


If I understand you correctly, KD, you're saying that those that are recycled are so because they are the smartest ones out there? They're the best coaches?  You're saying there are only 3 or so men in the nation that qualify as "smart enough" to be NFL head coaches? 


Well, gee golly, KD, then all white people must be genetically superior to the other races since we're just so gosh darn smart and can dominate a field like that. Because OBVIOUSLY the reason white men dominate the field is because they MUST be smarter than anyone else out there.


I bet. You know why the Buffalo Bills or the Kansas City Chiefs or whomever won't hire a black coach?  LOOK AT THEIR OWNERS.


These are older fellas, brought up in a different time. You don't think they might be just a LIIIIITTLE discriminating?


Ridiculous. It's just mind boggling to see that some people can never escape a 3rd grade mentality. Others gain a broader worldview and a bit more understanding of the sociological issues we face.


Grant are you kidding? Where in the world did you get such an insight to the going ons of the owners , who have a whole bunch of cash and do not operate under the same rules as the rest of society? Get a grip you aint got a clue as why owners do what they do or why they do it, unless you have a whole bunch of cash and live in thier very small world.

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there's a TON of good hip-hop out there, you just gotta look for it.  anything on radio or mtv isnt hip-hop its rap, and rap sucks.


things to check out:


Aesop Rock

Cannibal Ox (both A-Rock and Can-Ox are on EL-P's label "Definitive Jux", and ANYTHING thats ever come out on that label is good)

MF Doom (also has a CD out under the name Madvillian)

Dizzee Rascal isnt bad for being almost mainstream

the new Talib Kweli is pretty good

MC Solaar (france's premier MC, absolutely ridiculous, download some, but dont tell anyone on here i told you to)


you may have heard of those, theyre not that "underground"





yeah i heard of all them, i dont really mess with backpackers or conscious rappers like kweli. i pretty much only listen to wu (mainly) nas, mobb deep, m.o.p. and some g-unit, thats basically it



You answered your own question...


Someone tell me why Hispanics are not interviewed for the JOB?


that, and the price to replace all the missing equipment week after week would bankrupt the league



damn that was hilarious

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