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Which way do underclassmen go?


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I was thinking about the underclassmen who may declare for the draft since Luck is emerging as the best QB prospect. Here's their dilemma:


If they come out this year, they are going into a season which may be delayed or worse. Do they want to waste their rookie year when they can go back to college & wait a year?


Here's the problem if they wait-Chances are pretty good that because the draft is months before the season, the NFL couldn't incorporate anything to limit the big rookie contracts until the 2012 draft.


So what is better-come out & not play, or come out & make sure you get the big $. Depending on the player, it could go either way. Most of us would take the money, but some may not want to lose time in their career development & are looking towards the future rather than short term money.


Personally, I can't see the 2011 season getting washed away. The NFL is not the NHL. Also, the union is already starting to vote on decertification which means the NFL can't lock the players out.

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