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NFL Network out of control with Bills hate...

VA Bills Fan

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The disrespect for the Bills is getting out of control... they admittingly aren't paying attention during our highlights (1:20 in), and the only reason we scored was busted coverage (2:40)? Right or wrong, these guys are not professional and I hope we can stick it to them... a lot of work to do I know. Does any other bad team get talked about like this?







Dude, what the hell do you want them to say about the Bills. I am sitting here watching highlights and I don't want to hear about the Bucs. No non-Bills fan cares about the Bills.

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I have not watched the NFL Network link yet, but they don't do a very good job with their own product. Rich Eisen has worn himself out of my favor. There productions are b-o-r-i-n-g.


ESPN does a fine job with their heavy hitters, as I love Berman, Tom Jackson, Steve Young, and even Keyshawn. NBC Sunday Night is also cool, IMO.


But what I DID watch today was the CBS broadcast pre game show.


Now, I think the CBS is the worst in the business. Marino is a baby, Cowher spits and mumbles so much of what he has to say, Boomer is biased, and Shannon Sharpe is such a dopey, joke of a horse's arse that he borders on the absurd. Their show sucks. Fox cover the NFC, and does a fine job. Great crew. CBS has nothing endearing about it. But whereas Fox covers the NFC practically exclusively, CBS tries to cover both (poorly).


So, I am no fan of the CBS pre game show. But sometimes I watch for the smidgeon of hope that maybe, just maybe, there might be a Bills story on.


Well, today, both Biased Boomer and Dan 'The Baby' Marino took slights on the Bills. Cowher, to his credit predicted the Bills to win today, but also said that the Bills would be team to watch as they will have an offensive identity, etc.


Marino rolled his eyes and scoffed and commented "Yeah, right!" when Cowher said the Bills would beat his Dolphins, and Boomer could not even show enough class in respecting any NFL team (since he is a broadcaster and part of the NFL pre game, not the Bengals pre game). Anyways, he had this ridiculous smart-@$$ grin on his face as Cowher was describing the Bills (again with the 'yeah, right' thing).


The Bills may be bad, and may deserve the criticism.


But the NFL needs to realize that the Bills are a part of the NFL. We all have our opinions. But it is not good business to continually bad mouth your own product.


Ok. Watched the video.


Jamie Dukes has done what, exactly in his career?


Marshall Faulk, since opening his pie hole and being a jerk about the Bills, is no longer a former player I respect.


Rich Eisen can be funny, but his schtick has really worn out and he can really be bor ing.


I don't pretend to know who the other voice was, but he sounded like a dweeb.

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The disrespect for the Bills is getting out of control... they admittingly aren't paying attention during our highlights (1:20 in), and the only reason we scored was busted coverage (2:40)? Right or wrong, these guys are not professional and I hope we can stick it to them... a lot of work to do I know. Does any other bad team get talked about like this?







This team sucks... as of this moment. This franchise has pretty much sucked for a decade. They haven't won a division in 15 years. They haven't hosted a playoff game in what will be 14 years.


They managed 4 first downs in the first half? Their QB put on another scintillating performance where he was at about 42 yards net passing at the conclusion of the 3rd quarter.


The Bills are Court Jesters of the NFL. Not saying don't ignore television dittoheads, just don't really argue against what they are saying.

Edited by Chalkie Gerzowski
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I'm sure I'll get blasted for this. However, I know we're not that good but if you think we suck and arent NFL caliber etc., why watch? Why call yourself a Bills fan and post here? I'm as sick of losing as anyone else. I've complained publicly and privately. I've come to the realization that either I deal with it and ride it out till things turn around or walk away. Today didnt go as I or anyone here wanted it too. I expected more adjustments on offense by Chan etc. But there were a few signs of change if only by Chan and decisions he made and not the players. I'm glad we lost by 5 and not three. That call to take the safety showed our coach has balls.........

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Fox cover the NFC, and does a fine job. Great crew. CBS has nothing endearing about it. But whereas Fox covers the NFC practically exclusively, CBS tries to cover both (poorly).

I have always found it annoying how CBS will give time to both the AFC and the NFC -- maybe 65% AFC and 35% NFC split whereas Fox is more like 95% NFC and 5% AFC split. I really don't know why CBS caters so much to the NFC.

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I'm sure I'll get blasted for this. However, I know we're not that good but if you think we suck and arent NFL caliber etc., why watch? Why call yourself a Bills fan and post here? I'm as sick of losing as anyone else. I've complained publicly and privately. I've come to the realization that either I deal with it and ride it out till things turn around or walk away. Today didnt go as I or anyone here wanted it too. I expected more adjustments on offense by Chan etc. But there were a few signs of change if only by Chan and decisions he made and not the players. I'm glad we lost by 5 and not three. That call to take the safety showed our coach has balls.........


Because half the fun of being a fan is following them from suckitude to greatness.


I won't say that this team sucks yet. Sure they sucked today, but they sucked as a pass-first team, which we can all agree that they're not right now. This game, unfortunately, was a throw-away.


I'm reserving judgement on how good or bad the team is until we see them run the ball 30 or 40 times in a game. That's what it looks like they're built for. If they are as inept then as they were today, then I'll admit that they're in serious trouble.

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