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Fitzpatrick starting QB!!

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Well, if we look at this as we do all other race issues in the US today... it is obvious that the Wonderlick is a racist test and should be looked into by the ALCU.


Come all ye Democraps...

sheeple and malcontent...

towards those who try...

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At this point in their careers Fitz has a hell of a lot more starts than Kolb.


Sure, he has a hell of a lot more starts. Mostly average to bad starts that is. Kolb is just this season getting the starting job for the Eagles. That makes him at least for the first few games of the 2010 season, a starting QB. Fitzy is still a career back up so far.

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Brian Brohm (as noted above) also aces this -- with flying colors given his collegiate record (over 65 percent completion rate in 30+ games).


Since Brohm has only started one game in the NFL, and he has not even earned a job as a full time back up quarterback to begin a season yet, he didn't even deserve to be on the original list that this thread was linked to.


I have no idea what Chan is thinking regarding QB for this year. But I hope, out of the three guys heading into training camp, that Brohm wins the starting job outright. New head coach +, new young former 2nd round pick QB getting his first chance to start. That scenario is the most appealing to me for the 2010 season. :thumbsup:

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Since Brohm has only started one game in the NFL, and he has not even earned a job as a full time back up quarterback to begin a season yet, he didn't even deserve to be on the original list that this thread was linked to.


I have no idea what Chan is thinking regarding QB for this year. But I hope, out of the three guys heading into training camp, that Brohm wins the starting job outright. New head coach +, new young former 2nd round pick QB getting his first chance to start. That scenario is the most appealing to me for the 2010 season. :thumbsup:


I would have liked Campbell or Clausen starting...

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I like Fitz, just not as our starter, he might be better in relief.

I like Fitz too, I had the chance to talk to him for a couple minutes at camp last year, seemed like a genuinely nice guy. I would prefer if he is on the sidelines though to be carrying one of those things with water bottles in it for the starters to get hydrated on a hot day.

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Why on earth does Edwards deserve a shot to start at this point? He was benched last year because his play was so poor. Fitz is mediocre at best and even Dork Jauron could tell Fitz gave the team a better chance than Edwards. Brohm is the guy who the team ought to give a shot to see what he can do, we already know what Edwards and Fitz CAN'T do.

Don't take this the wrong way, I am not saying it is a good thing, but he is obviously the best option out of what we have-hands down, not even close.

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