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Deputy approached by five suspects before being shot

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Or have a policy along the lines of those associated with the Area 51 "camo dudes" (security guards). They can shoot anyone at anytime that tries to infiltrate a very specific line. Period.

If the magnet of jobs is eliminated nothing like you propose would be needed. A national ID system and stiff penalties for employers hiring illegals would fix the problem.

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If the magnet of jobs is eliminated nothing like you propose would be needed. A national ID system and stiff penalties for employers hiring illegals would fix the problem.

Doubtful it would "fix" the problem. Lessen the problem, yes.

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You guys ought to be ashamed of yourselves. Seriously, are you guys f*cking joking??? really???...


Yeah because drug dealers that shoot cops are all undocumented mexicans. And all undocumented mexicans are surely drug dealers. You guys are a joke.


231 officers died in AZ

995 officers died in IL


So far this year AZ is tied with Wisconsin, Alabama, Arkansas, Delaware, Indiana, Kentucky, Massachusetts, Michigan, Montana, etc. you get the picture


For all of these vigilante immigrants that are pouring into our borders and offing Police officers, raping children, and whistling at people's wives, they dont hold a candle to our native drug dealers and gangsters in other states that AREN'T bordering THE CRAZY Mexican border.


This story makes national headlines because of the immigration law hotbed AZ is right now. Otherwise it would be just another drug dealer popping cops. Business as usual in America.


Now, on the other hand.


somewhere between 400-600 hundred immigrants die crossing the border into AZ annually. So lets not be completely ignorant about what is going on. If ALL OF MEXICO SOLD DRUGS...THEY WOULDN'T COME HERE BECAUSE THEY'D ALREADY HAVE THE MONEY THEY NEED...you guys are ignorant and ridiculous...completely. I can't even believe how moronic some of the people here are.

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True, but I would only expect that the number of smugglers would go down just because of the decrease in demand of marijuana. Alot of the harder drugs (heroine, meth, etc.) are produced here in the US or up in Canada, which is a whole other beast in itself.

Yeah, I just don't think that legalizing marijuana would have any positive effect on crime. I actually believe it could have a negative effect on the severity of crimes committed.


There is alot of drug dealers who would all of sudden have their main source of income completely ripped from them. Drug dealers need to make money to, and let's face it a large percentage of them aren't going to start turning in applications. Somebody who has accepted a life of crime isn't going to give it up because pot becomes legal.


Smoking weed itself is a stupid crime and the severity of the punishments are laughable. The government stands to make alot of money on legalization and I think the majority of citizens would support it. Including me and I don't smoke. :rolleyes:

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You guys ought to be ashamed of yourselves. Seriously, are you guys f*cking joking??? really???...


Yeah because drug dealers that shoot cops are all undocumented mexicans. And all undocumented mexicans are surely drug dealers. You guys are a joke.


231 officers died in AZ

995 officers died in IL


So far this year AZ is tied with Wisconsin, Alabama, Arkansas, Delaware, Indiana, Kentucky, Massachusetts, Michigan, Montana, etc. you get the picture


For all of these vigilante immigrants that are pouring into our borders and offing Police officers, raping children, and whistling at people's wives, they dont hold a candle to our native drug dealers and gangsters in other states that AREN'T bordering THE CRAZY Mexican border.


This story makes national headlines because of the immigration law hotbed AZ is right now. Otherwise it would be just another drug dealer popping cops. Business as usual in America.


Now, on the other hand.


somewhere between 400-600 hundred immigrants die crossing the border into AZ annually. So lets not be completely ignorant about what is going on. If ALL OF MEXICO SOLD DRUGS...THEY WOULDN'T COME HERE BECAUSE THEY'D ALREADY HAVE THE MONEY THEY NEED...you guys are ignorant and ridiculous...completely. I can't even believe how moronic some of the people here are.


So you are saying that we should ignore illegal immigrants? Good one... you are a complete idiot and you're lucky that this is a PG message board.


And where the hell did you get your stats about those cops? Number one, we have something called "Border Patrol" that deals with the immigrants and they are not cops as you stated. They are a totally different entity. And comparing it to Illinois? Seriously? You need to check what you are saying before you make a post proclaiming yourself holier than thou.

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Yeah, I just don't think that legalizing marijuana would have any positive effect on crime. I actually believe it could have a negative effect on the severity of crimes committed.


There is alot of drug dealers who would all of sudden have their main source of income completely ripped from them. Drug dealers need to make money to, and let's face it a large percentage of them aren't going to start turning in applications. Somebody who has accepted a life of crime isn't going to give it up because pot becomes legal.


Smoking weed itself is a stupid crime and the severity of the punishments are laughable. The government stands to make alot of money on legalization and I think the majority of citizens would support it. Including me and I don't smoke. :D


More than likely, those dealers would find something else to deal. You are right, they would not go get a real job after making loads of illegal money for many years.


The biggest impact legalization would have, not to thread jack (although it's probably gonna happen anyways), is cutting down the cost of law enforcement for the people that have been penalized greatly for getting caught smoking a joint. It costs roughly $120-130 PER DAY to house an inmate. I don't know how many people are in jail for petty marijuana related crimes, but if we figured out the total amount it's costing us per day it would be a staggering number.


Then add in the tax money our government is poised to make off this and I think it's a no-brainer. Long story short, there is no legitimate excuse for tobacco and alcohol to be legal and marijuana to not. It really defies all logic.

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So you are saying that we should ignore illegal immigrants? Good one... you are a complete idiot and you're lucky that this is a PG message board.


And where the hell did you get your stats about those cops? Number one, we have something called "Border Patrol" that deals with the immigrants and they are not cops as you stated. They are a totally different entity. And comparing it to Illinois? Seriously? You need to check what you are saying before you make a post proclaiming yourself holier than thou.


I got my statistics from a site that is put together for fallen officers across the nation. It's designed by the departments and a nonprofit organization.


I was comparing Illinios because it is NOT a border state. You guys were all dancing around the fire singing "kill the mexicans" because of a drug crime that HAPPENED to be a Mexican drug dealer. I was pointing out that in OTHER states officers get slaughtered at a much higher rate, and that if Mexicans are all drug dealers like many of these people on here are trying to feed me, wouldn't cops get shot much more often in border states? It's either that or THE TWO ARE NOT CONNECTED SO TRYING TO CONNECT THEM IS RACIST PROPAGANDA

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I am not saying ignore the problem of undocumented workers. I am saying if it didn't cost 1,000 bucks and a literacy test. THERE WOULND'T BE A PROBLEM. After the security laws passed our immigrants couldn't afford or were not able to pass the literacy tests, and more than half of our immigrant population began coming illegally. Thus the costs of human life ON BOTH SIDES could EASILY be avoided. Not to mention the costs in money we pour into stopping workers from coming here that is actually good for the economy and not bad.

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I got my statistics from a site that is put together for fallen officers across the nation. It's designed by the departments and a nonprofit organization.


I was comparing Illinios because it is NOT a border state. You guys were all dancing around the fire singing "kill the mexicans" because of a drug crime that HAPPENED to be a Mexican drug dealer. I was pointing out that in OTHER states officers get slaughtered at a much higher rate, and that if Mexicans are all drug dealers like many of these people on here are trying to feed me, wouldn't cops get shot much more often in border states? It's either that or THE TWO ARE NOT CONNECTED SO TRYING TO CONNECT THEM IS RACIST PROPAGANDA



I am not saying ignore the problem of undocumented workers. I am saying if it didn't cost 1,000 bucks and a literacy test. THERE WOULND'T BE A PROBLEM. After the security laws passed our immigrants couldn't afford or were not able to pass the literacy tests, and more than half of our immigrant population began coming illegally. Thus the costs of human life ON BOTH SIDES could EASILY be avoided. Not to mention the costs in money we pour into stopping workers from coming here that is actually good for the economy and not bad.


You still need to EXPLAIN to ME how the numbers of the cops killed in IL (how long of a time period was that study even over?) has anything TO DO with illegal IMMIGRATION down south.


You are so IGNORANT I almost feel BAD for you. You can't put together a logical argument that is somewhat understandable because of your awful grammar.


Because we are opposed to illegal immigration somehow means that we think every Mexican is a drug dealer waiting to shoot a cop? I have no problem with them coming over legally, paying taxes, and contributing to society positively. You are the one that jumped to conclusions and made an absolute fool of yourself... again.


For the bold part... you are either Mexican or that damn stupid. Read this and get some real knowledge for once...

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Please list every right and liberty that has been lost in the USA in the last year. Don't blow a brain cell thinking too hard.



I'm thinking that forcing citizens to pay for a product like health care is unconstitutional. Also, they were willing to pass the healthcare bill (if they had to) without actually voting on the real bill which is also unconstitutional.

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I'm thinking that forcing citizens to pay for a product like health care is unconstitutional. Also, they were willing to pass the healthcare bill (if they had to) without actually voting on the real bill which is also unconstitutional.

That's a bad example.Everybody should have to pay for their own healthcare. Those who are not should be forced to. They are currently freeloading off the existing system and making those of us who do pay for ourselves,pay for them also.

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