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Article bashing Ralph

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This guy is a hack and his article is trash. He doesn not cite any of Ralphs real tactical errors and he fails to mention how he backs up his support for small markets.


The Sabres a model for small markets? Look at the help they get from Canada. Two playoff appearances in 7 years and that was more luck than anything Golosano did. His best moves were staying with Regier and Ruff ... something that Ralph would be criticized for in today's NFL.

I agree with your post. While Ralph was guilty of serious mistakes, the article does not address them. The overweight goatee-sporting author points out that the Bills moved a game a year to Toronto, and failed to provide disaster recovery efforts after a wind/snow storm, to support conclusions along the lines of, "Ralph Wilson is a blood-sucking leech who cares nothing for our community." What disaster recovery efforts did the author, George N. Root, personally perform during the aftermath of that storm? If the answer is "none," then do I get to call him "a blood-sucking leech who cares nothing for our community"?

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Only problem I have with that article is the brown nosing the writer does to Golisano, who for all intents and purposes is WORSE than Wilson, in terms of giving a crap about the team he owns. I still remember, clear as day, in an interview a couple years ago, right on camera, when asked if the Sabres were for sale, Golisano said, "Not really", then proceeded to tell the interviewer (I forget who it was, I think it was the guy who does the radio play-by-play for the Bils games, to be honest. Forgive the ignorance, I've been in Albuquerque for over a decade now) how he really didn't doubt that another ownership group, provided they vowed to keep the team in Buffalo, could easily come in and do a better job than his guys (Quinn,Regier, Ruff, etc) were doing. He basically dared someone to pony up the dough so they'd be allowed to come in and save the team from his incompetent boobs. Then he promptly moved to Florida and stopped doing interviews about the Sabres, altogether. He's a hijacker is all he is. Wilson might be a douchebag, but at least he makes changes occasionally and listens when the mob starts getting antsy. Golisano probably doesn't even know there was a game last night.

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