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[closed]If for some reason Tebow is in our plans

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I'm going to go on record as someone that would be fine with us drafting Tim Tebow although, especially if we can get him in the 2nd or 3rd. He's not my first choice but if Nix, Modrak and Gailey think he's the real deal then I'll trust them. Nix and Modrak have a proven track record in drafting and their okay is okay with me.


All that being said if Tebow is in our plans, whether it be in the early or mid rounds does that change our draft strategy as far as drafting a tackle? Tebow is left handed and his blindside comes from the right side of the line. We may be able to get a right tackle in FA considerably cheaper then a LT or maybe even Butler/Levitre could be the option there.


Just a thought

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