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"Whatever" is just about right - I have had it with you & your circular logic. I chose to challenge some really piss poor misinformation being spewed about the Wood injury and it was your choice to lump me in with the cretins; so be it if it really makes you feel good. And, no, there is no need whatsoever for me to "connect your dots" - what a waste of freaking time & energy. What you consider a "mess" compared to what I do are two different things; BFD - so we somehow have a difference of opinion & you choose to remain the enlightened intellectual on a freaking football fan board? Get real.


I am condescending for suggesting a 5th grader knows a break = a fracture? Really, you are still hung up on that? Get a life. I don't see you challenging the other posters who had the same opinion as I - that it is basic knowledge.


You seem to be angry because I lumped you in with all the clowns.....think about why that happened. Somebody posts that the board is a mess; I posted that I agreed with him; you then criticized me. Are you really unable to connect the dots as to why I'd lump you in with the cretins? And now, oddly, you seem to agree with me that the board is a mess. Whatever.


As for the breaks vs fractures thing....yeah, you still sound condescending. That has been just about the most benign topic broached in this thread.

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