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Lombardi has the right idea


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Cold weather team, smash mouth team, run-and-shoot, Finesse, West coast offense? Who cares as long as their winning? If Mike Holmgren came to Buffalo and launched the West Coast and succeeded, who here is going to complain? Philosophy is irrelevant, winning is the goal. Keeping the eyes on the prize is the answer! Win the Super Bowl is the objective however it's achieved....

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Coaching philosophy may be irrelevant. What is definitely not irrelevant is the requirement of "weather coaching experience" in the Big Name Coach the Bills are rumored to be opening the cash vault for. If a coaching regime does not understand the significance of coaching in fowl weather, especially wind, the Big Name Coach will not win in Buffalo.


Regardless of offensive philosophies such as: West Coast (Green Bay), Spread (New England), Big and Physical (NY Giants), an item always considered in the home game plan is what type of weather to expect. When you use the weather, such as wind, in your game plan, you can plan for:


Area's of the stadium that have higher wind gusts than others

Strategize on kicking field goals no longer than say even 35 - 40 yards

Calling for the wind at your back in Quarters 2 and 4

Better management of time outs

The list could go on and on of course


In the last three seasons alone, I can count at least 7 Bills losses that were due to the (then) head coach not understanding how to game plan WITH the wind.


I became a real football fan say in 1981 because that is the earliest I remember games. The three coaches in my opinion that mastered using the wind as an advantage were:


Marv Levy

Bill Belicheck

Bill Parcells


Although succesful with the Bills, Chuck Knox did not know how to game plan taking in to consideration windy conditions. If he would have, he may have one at least one more game in 1980 and possibly two more in 1981.


I am happy with the change. I am not a believer in coincidences. However, just hours prior to the Jauron firing, Jim brown spills the beans on Holgrem in Cleveland. 28 minutes after the Jauron announcement, Gruden restates his position that yes he will coach again.


Lets finally all enjoy some ironic excitement the Bills have brought on the fan base :rolleyes:

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I totally agree that it's WAY more about philosophy and attitude and WAY less about weather in itself...But the two can go hand and hand much more logically in Buffalo NY...It's not just about the cold at all, if it was then the argument is a dumb one...It's the wind mainly, mixed with the rain, snow, whatever...But without the wind it would not be nearly as big an issue...Run the Ball, stop the Run and play tough, hard-nosed Football...That's really all I've been trying to say for Years now...I miss the days when opposing HC's comment that The Bills are one of the most physical Teams in the NFL...I want those days to return... :unsure:



Hell yea. I agree. We did throw the ball alot during the Golden years in the 90s, hardly a smashmouth team. I dont care how we do it as long as this team is successful.


I just get a little tired of the lunchpail attitude with Bills and Sabres fan that the reason the team blows is bc we arent tough enough. No, its called lack of talent.

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