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  1. ⬆️ I'll take useful idiot fuk.c stains for $1000 Alex.
  2. Finding Qanon! 😂 He risks getting disbarred for making a false statement about Epps! False statements to a commie court in a commie district whoa...better be very, very careful! Now altering evidence...that surely will get you in hot water even in commie DC.... Oh wait, they did catch an attorney with exceptional anti orange man animus doing exactly that. Altering evidence in a FISA application. Disbarred? Ha! Yeah, right. You live in a complete clown world you fuk.c stain.
  3. People don't often quote Tibs like they do the other useful idiots...and I thank you all for that. But since he's on full display for me today and I have no problem insulting useful idiots.... Hey Tibs! ***** off you pathetic fuk.c stain of a useful idiot.
  4. Uggh. Keith Olbermann. I always thought that he was a *****stain during his ESPN tenure. I don't even have the words to describe him currently. What a waste of skin.
  5. ⬆️ Useful idiot court jester. A fu.kc stain on this board and society in general.
  6. Quite honestly, and to be fair to the *****stain who is @BillStime, she isn't really afraid, deflecting or doing anything of the sort. At least not in their mind. He's incapable of doing anything other than what she does here day in and day out. He's a full blown useful idiot and dedicated fully to the cause. It's complete and irreversible.
  7. Bills fu.k.c own goal again... He takes a snippet from one of his woke masters and tries to dunk with it.... Problem is, and its always a problem with useful idiots like Billstool, is what Oliver Anthony actually says in the clip... After he says diversity is our strength...and this is where ***** stains like Billsjizz stop listening... He continues.... "We need to harness and appreciate it and NOT USE IT AS A POLITICAL TOOL to keep everyone separate from each other.." Bills*****: PPP Court Jester All time own goal scoring champ.
  8. !@#$ you Schiff. You're now a proven liar 10x over. You're a stain on this great nation.
  9. I really freaked out my roommate at the time and his girlfriend when they went to see Blair Witch. I had already seen it so when he told me he was going, I went over to the movie theater and put a bundle of sticks wrapped in a torn shirt that was stained with some dried rat blood on his car seat. His gf was pissed, but I didnt really like her anyway...
  10. And the ***** stain @716er chimes in. Hopefully he has taken my advice and put me on ignore in order to escape the "harassment" Yep. Hypocrites.
  11. Funny how a despicable hack ***** stain like @BillStime doesn’t think its strange that 99% of the media has ZERO interest in asking questions about the J6 bomber and why he/she hasn't been brought to justice and how exactly he/she has the greatest law enforcement organization the world has ever known completely befuddled for 2.5 years....
  12. And ***** stain #2 is right behind him.. @716er what a laughable moron. I so easily occupy a large portion of the vast space inside in his desolate brain case. You can keep ***** off as well.
  13. So someone quoted the ***** stain @BillStime and since it's been at least a week..... Hey @BillStime... ***** off!
  14. 51 former IC officials who believe hunters laptop is Russian disinformation while also saying they have zero evidence behind their belief? Media: Let's scream from the rooftops that hunters laptop IS russian disinformation and give big tech the ammo to bulk censor the truth. AT THE SAME TIME.... Hunters business partner comes out on the record saying those emails are authentic and I can produce them myself because I was included in the email chains. Media: Crickets. Seriously ***** every last one of you commie democracy hating fu kc stains. @ChiGoose @BillStime @Tiberius @nedboy7 @SUNY_amherst @redtail hawk @SectionC3 @The Frankish Reich et al... ***** you all.
  15. Wait.. you mean to tell me that we have massive *****stain hypocrite bills fans like @Tiberius and @BillStime among us? I'm shocked ***** off both of you.
  16. ^^^^ Ramblings of a... Waste of skin ***** stain.... Including @ChiGoose @redtail hawk @Tiberius Back to General Flynn..
  17. See? Shocker. @BillStime you're an absolute rock solid ***** stain of a moron.
  18. All whistle-blowers blowers should be heard and believed! Strike that, this is 2022 and all whistle-blowers must be destroyed. Now our resident ***** stains like @Tiberius @BillStime and @716er will defend this staggering hypocrisy like they do with all the other examples of leftist lunacy. Some of you will actually engage with them on it. My question, as always, is why? I implore those of you who choose to engage with these brain dead aholez to give the following a try instead...even if only once...then put them on ignore. Hey @BillStime @Tiberius @716er..... ***** OFF!!!
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