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  1. VETTED.......... at the risk of awaking JTSP's lunacy................Obama did ask for critics to speak out, so McCain did Hate the opposition to refugees?as @reihan points out there are more than two sides to the issue http://slate.me/1j5Ca2Z .
  2. As per TYTT's suggestion. Liberals Should Knock Off the Mockery Over Calls to Limit Syrian Refugees By Kevin Drum http://www.motherjones.com/kevin-drum/2015/11/liberals-should-knock-mockery-over-calls-limit-syrian-refugees (Mother Jones, of all places) FTA: Here's the thing: to the average person, it seems perfectly reasonable to be suspicious of admitting Syrian refugees to the country. We know that ISIS would like to attack the US. We know that ISIS probably has the wherewithal to infiltrate a few of its people into the flood of refugees. And most voters have no idea how easy it is to get past US screening. They probably figure it's pretty easy . So it doesn't seem xenophobic or crazy to call for an end to accepting Syrian refugees. It seems like simple common sense. After all, things changed after Paris. Mocking Republicans over this—as liberals spent much of yesterday doing on my Twitter stream—seems absurdly out of touch to a lot of people. Not just wingnut tea partiers, either, but plenty of ordinary centrists too. It makes them wonder if Democrats seriously see no problem here? Do they care at all about national security? Are they really that detached from reality? Overlooked point on public opinion with refugees: when Americans routinely see the administration ignore the law, they become skeptical. LOL..............he suggests critics see little daylight between the DOD and the people at State. Government is government .
  3. Left - "a few bad refugees shouldn't ruin it for everyone" " you are evil if you discriminate like that" " we need to outlaw guns".........after every shooting. FLASHBACK: Armed Citizens May Be the Solution to Terrorism, Says Interpol Secretary General. Bernie Sanders says America should be “tough but not stupid” in destroying ISIS. Yeah, I don't think that this administration will manage either half of that formulation.
  4. UN warns Europe against 'backtracking' on migrant commitments http://news.yahoo.com/un-warns-states-against-backtracking-migrant-commitments-110254476.html So Far: Syrian Refugees in U.S. Include 2,098 Muslims, 53 Christians http://www.cnsnews.com/news/article/patrick-goodenough/syrian-christians-are-greatest-peril-least-likely-be-admitted President Obama said Monday that calls from some quarters for the U.S. to admit only Christian refugees from Syria were “shameful,” yet the reality is that today’s refugee system discriminates, not against Syrian Muslims, but against Christians and other non-Muslim minorities. Fleeing persecution at the hands of Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) and other jihadist groups, Syrian Christians generally avoid U.N. refugee camps because they are targeted there Most refugees considered for resettlement in the U.S. are referred by the U.N. High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR).
  5. I’m a Gay Man and Mass Muslim Immigration Terrifies Me by Milo Yiannopoulos FTA: But there’s a more general concern for liberal western democracies: it’s not just the jihadis, but the attitudes of ordinary Muslims that are a grave cause for concern, not just for the women being gang-raped in Malmö but homosexuals everywhere in Europe. So you can accuse me of being “islamophobic” if you want, because no, I don’t want to be shouted at or spat on in the street. Maybe my gayness is standing in the way of a Muslim utopia… but I’m going to be selfish here and say maybe we don’t import all the people who want to murder me. From what I can tell, it’s not women and children coming over in these “refugee crises” but strong 22-year-old men. Under ordinary circumstances I’d be fine with a bit of Middle Eastern rough, but I prefer my nocturnal encounters with dark-skinned men to be at least partially consensual. The Left’s wilful, suicidal ignorance about Muslim culture is at odds with virtually every one of their cherished social justice prescriptions. They look for sexism in “mansplaining” and flirtatious remarks, yet turn a blind eye to a culture where the only acceptable role for women is head-scarfed housewife. They see intolerance in Halloween costumes, yet ignore the regular atrocities of cultures that mass-murder each other over regional, tribal, and sectarian differences. They think conservatives who disagree with their definition of gay marriage to be bigots worthy of social ostracism, yet welcome into their midst a culture that wants to execute queers like me. If you don’t believe me, just look at what’s happening in Sweden. A gay pride march that planned to go via a Muslim area was criticised and called “needlessly provocative” by progressives who care more about protecting an immigrant’s right to be a hateful bigot than the rights of gay citizens to express their sexual identity. What am I missing here? I know this is the point at which I’m supposed to say not all Muslims in the west are bad people, but I can’t bring myself to care about caveats when 1,200 girls are getting raped in Rotherham and Britain is sending more fighters to ISIS than almost any other country. As the journalist and activist Brigitte Gabriel points out, the peaceful majority are irrelevant. More at the link: http://www.breitbart.com/national-security/2015/11/16/im-a-gay-man-and-mass-muslim-immigration-terrifies-me/
  6. What’s it like to have a friend run for president? by Jay Nordlinger In the new issue of National Review, I have a piece about Ted Cruz. I’d like to expand on it here in Impromptus. I think that both pro-Cruz people and anti-Cruz people will find certain things of interest. Same with people in between. Okay, here we go … It’s really strange to have a friend running for president. It’s strange enough to have a friend in the U.S. Senate. There are only a hundred of them, you know. It’s the house of Daniel Webster, Henry Clay, Robert Taft … I met Ted Cruz on the presidential campaign of George W. Bush in 2000. I had taken a leave of absence from NR to assist that campaign. This was in mid-September, for the last six or seven weeks of the campaign. (The campaign, so to speak, stretched into mid-December, but that’s a wholly different story.) Ted was a domestic-policy advisor on the campaign. We bonded, as they say. We had many a late-night discussion at Earl Campbell’s barbecue joint and other choice spots. Ted’s father had been a refugee from Cuba. His son had an unusual appreciation of freedom, and an unusual detestation of tyranny. Let me say some more about Ted’s father, and his mother. I’d like to excerpt from a column I wrote in ’09: Ted had a fancy education. He went to Princeton University, where he was a debate champion, and to Harvard Law School, where he was an editor on several publications, including the Law Review. Read more at: http://www.nationalreview.com/article/433283/ted-cruz-my-friend-arena-part-i
  7. Closure of Balkan route divides Europe http://bit.ly/1YBd23W In Austria, Over Half Of All ‘Asylum Seekers’ Commit Crimes http://www.breitbart.com/london/2016/03/10/in-austria-migrants-commit-55-crimes-for-every-100-asylum-applications/ … Denmark: #Germany's Merkel underestimated refugee crisis http://bit.ly/1SBvJUQ Refugee status should be determined by a proper asylum process, not arbitrarily at border crossings. http://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/europe/refugee-crisis-migrants-trapped-at-greek-macedonian-border-escaped-hell-and-are-now-stuck-in-a6915831.html …
  8. Many ‘Syrian Refugees’ Are Neither Syrian nor Refugees For the Children (?) Over the weekend, Secretary of State John Kerry reiterated the Obama administration’s commitment to taking in 10,000 Syrian refugees over the next fiscal year and announced that the federal government would be increasing its annual total refugee cap from 70,000 to 100,000 by 2017, to accommodate more refugees from war-torn Syria. “This step that I am announcing today, I believe, is in keeping with the best tradition of America as a land of second chances and a beacon of hope,” said Kerry on Sunday during a trip to Germany. Also on Sunday, Hillary Clinton called on the administration to take 65,000 Syrian refugees, declaring, “I want the United States to lead the world.” Her Democratic opponent Martin O’Malley endorsed the same target earlier this month. Some 4 million persons have fled the Syrian civil war, and another 7 million are internally displaced. The plight of these persons is tragic. But Americans should not confuse “leading the world” with a reflexive openness to the world’s heavy-laden. The Obama administration should not receive a single Syrian refugee unless it is able to answer adequately the following five questions. Read more at: http://www.nationalreview.com/article/424416/give-me-your-tired-your-poor-not-your-terrorists-ian-tuttle
  9. And the view from the Left...........................?.....Hungary enforcing its borders = The Holocaust. In dealing with refugees, Hungary's dark past resurfaceshttp://www.latimes.com/opinion/op-ed/la-oe-1013-mcmullan-hungary-xenophobia-20151013-story.html
  10. In Afghanistan, Taliban Controls Most Territory Since 2001 Some good news from Ramadi in the war on terror… but ominous news on other fronts: In Afghanistan, Taliban Controls Most Territory Since 2001; ISIS Preparing ‘Greatest Religious Cleansing in History’ Remember how Obama likes to go around saying, “we ended two wars”? What he means is, “we ended two wars by losing them.” In Afghanistan, the bad guys are winning:https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/asia_pacific/a-year-of-taliban-gains-shows-that-we-havent-delivered-top-afghan-official-says/2015/12/27/172213e8-9cfb-11e5-9ad2-568d814bbf3b_story.html In private, top Afghan and American officials have begun to voice increasingly grim assessments of the resurgent Taliban threat, most notably in a previously undisclosed transcript of a late October meeting of the Afghan National Security Council. “We have not met the people’s expectations. We haven’t delivered,” Abdullah Abdullah, the country’s chief executive, told the high-level gathering. “Our forces lack discipline. They lack rotation opportunities. We haven’t taken care of our own policemen and soldiers. They continue to absorb enormous casualties.” With control of — or a significant presence in — roughly 30 percent of districts across the nation, according to Western and Afghan officials, the Taliban now holds more territory than in any year since 2001, when the puritanical Islamists were ousted from power after the 9/11 attacks. For now, the top American and Afghan priority is preventing Helmand, largely secured by U.S. Marines and British forces in 2012, from again falling to the insurgency. There’s a good milestone in Iraq . . . Iraq’s army declared victory over Islamic State fighters in a provincial capital west of Baghdad on Sunday, the first major triumph for the U.S.-trained force since it collapsed in the face of an assault by the militants 18 months ago. {snip} But it sounds like ISIS is just getting warmed up . . . http://www.jpost.com/Middle-East/ISIS-Threat/The-only-country-ISIS-fears-in-the-Middle-East-is-Israel-438576 A German journalist who spent 10 days with Islamic State says that the radical jihadist group that has captured wide swaths of Syria and Iraq is deterred by only one Middle Eastern country – Israel. In an interview with the British Jewish News, Jurgen Todenhofer recalls his brief time behind enemy lines during which he spoke with ISIS fighters. “The only country ISIS fears is Israel,” Todenhofer, a former member of the German parliament, told Jewish News. “They told me they know the Israeli army is too strong for them.” The writer said that ISIS wants to lure British and American forces into Syria and Iraq, areas where it thinks it has an advantage. Todenhofer said that ISIS was “preparing the largest religious cleansing in history” and that he was “pessimistic” that the threat it poses could be neutralized. He added that the Paris attacks was just the first of “a storm” that is coming to Western cities. “They are not scared of the British and the Americans, they are scared of the Israelis and told me the Israeli army is the real danger. We can’t defeat them with our current strategy. These people [the IDF] can fight a guerrilla war. ” “In Mosul there are 10,000 fighters living among 1.5 million people in 2,000 apartments, not in one place – so it would be difficult [for western soldiers] to fight them. ISIS fighters are ready to die in a war against a western soldiers.” The war may be going badly, but don’t worry, America: President Obama remains determined to win the news cycle: The easiest way to change the perception about something is to change the reality about something. If ISIS keeps losing territory, they’ll be seen as weak and beaten. Read more at: http://www.nationalreview.com/corner
  11. I guess the future does not belong to those who protest the rape-y followers of the prophet Mohammed. if you import rape culture you get more rapes! The narrative is back on track: all those sexual assaults are really *Germany's* fault. http://www.nytimes.com/2016/01/09/opinion/germanys-post-cologne-hysteria.html … It's kinda like blaming the women for being raped. Thanks for the war on women, New York Times! And this is in one city. 379 separate cases of "refugees" sexually assaulting women in public on NYE............................................. Just one city. PBS NewsHourVerified account ‏@NewsHour 14h14 hours ago New Year's assaults stoke tensions over migrants in Germany. MalcolmBrabant reports http://to.pbs.org/1IVdlna
  12. Police: Just Ten Per Cent Of Migrants Entering Germany Have Identity Checked http://bit.ly/1UXglRn Belgium Arrests Five in Paris Attacks Probe: Prosecutors http://bit.ly/22kStvO Large Number Of Refugees To Germany May Not Be Able To Find Work: Bundesbank http://www.breitbart.com/london/2015/12/21/large-number-of-refugees-to-germany-may-not-be-able-to-find-work-bundesbank/ … More than 1 million migrants have crossed into Europe this year, migration organization says. http://bsun.md/1J36LKY French border guards 'colluding' with gangs smuggling migrants into Britain ...... http://bit.ly/1UXbJuq
  13. AU REVOIR? AUF WIEDERSEHEN? GOODBYE? What The Paris Attacks Mean For Europe’s Open Borders. 'Paris changes everything' on refugees: Merkel allies http://bit.ly/1HPBNQJ dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3317378/National-borders-closed-Europe-halt-Islamic-invasion-says-far-right-Dutch-politician-Geert-Wilders.html …
  14. Crazy Right Wing blames Islam for Paris 'Crazed Leftists' Will Try To Blame Paris Attacks On The West It's morbidly fascinating to watch the reactions of naive souls who so desperately NEED to have no "refugees" involved in Paris Attacks
  15. Bad timing department. He said this this morning to George Snuffalupagus. Stephanopoulos asked Obama if ISIS was gaining in strength, to which Obama denied they were. "I don't think they're gaining strength," Obama responded. "What is true is that from the start, our goal has been first to contain and we have contained them. They have not gained ground in Iraq, and in Syria they'll come in, they'll leave, but you don't see this systemic march by ISIL across the terrain." Refugees ?
  16. What ? Did you expect consistency. The very same people applauding sanctuary cities are the ones trumpeting federal supremacy over refugee issue. . HOPE & CHANGE: Democratic governor demands halt to refugee settlement in US. “After more than a dozen GOP governors announced plans to block the relocation of Syrian refugees to their states, New Hampshire’s Democratic governor joined the group. Maggie Hassan’s spokesman told the New Hampshire Union-Leader that safety and security for Americans has to come first.” Massachusetts Governor: No Syrian Refugees For Now ... .
  17. Obama's press conference this AM. He came off as a small, arrogant, man whose main interest was defending the reputation of Islam. President Obama calls French attacks "a setback." "a handful of people with not a lot of highly sophisticated equipment" -- so ISIS isn't a JV squad, it's the AV club Obama is finally getting heated. Not about the actual attacks, mind you, just the backlash against refugee resettlement. Nobody, but nobody, beats up on a strawman like this president. He's mischaracterizing the Republican position and attacking his mischaracterization. It's what he does Good piece. Could Paris Happen Here?, via @nytimes http://www.nytimes.com/2015/11/16/opinion/could-paris-happen-here.html?smprod=nytcore-iphone&smid=nytcore-iphone-share …
  18. Ben Rhodes Spreads Lies About Vetting Syrian Refugees on Sunday News Talk Shows by Patrick Poole Original Article In the wake of Friday’s horrific terror attacks in Paris, Deputy National Security Adviser Ben Rhodes was dispatched to the Sunday morning talk shows to spin his boss’ claim the previous day that the ISIS threat had been “contained.” But he was also asked about the ability of the Obama administration to properly vet a wave of 10,000 Syrian refugees announced in September in light of reports that one or more of the Paris terrorists had entered and transited the EU as a Syrian refugee. And yet Rhodes’ response that measures to properly vet the Syrian refugees are in place flatly contradicts the recent sworn congressional testimony of FBI officials. More at the link: Resettlement resistance in USA... MAP: Where Refugees Resettled in USA...
  19. Good lord............this too...............Our terrorism double standard: After Paris, let’s stop blaming Muslims and take a hard look at ourselves,” by Ben Norton, Salon‎ , November 14, 2015: http://www.salon.com/2015/11/14/our_terrorism_double_standard_after_paris_lets_stop_blaming_muslims_and_take_a_hard_look_at_ourselves/ The Paris attacks raise real concerns about Obama’s counter-terror policies. By now, every one realizes that ISIS was re-born in the power vacuum made by America’s exit. Seen from the bloody floor of a Paris concert hall that was hosting an American death-metal band, Obama’s 2011 decision to withdraw virtually all U.S. forces from Iraq and his 2012 decision to renege on his “red line” threat to take action in Syria if chemical weapons were used, looks poorly considered. If American boots were still on the ground in Iraq, there might well be fewer bodies on the ground in France. Today, the Bush-era slogan–“Fight them over there, not over here”—seems far more sensible. HOPE &CHANGE: Nine Aftershocks Of The Paris Attacks. (#4 is troubling) 4. If Europe slows or stops Syrian migration, Turkey, Lebanon and Jordan will totter, or even tumble, under the weight of refugees.
  20. OBAMA ON SYRIAN REFUGEE CRISIS: “SOCIETY HAS NOT PASSED THIS EXAM WITH GOOD GRADES,” the semi-retired president observed after he “walked in late Sunday on a moment of silence being held by world leaders in Turkey to honor the victims of Friday’s terrorist attacks in Paris,” the Washington Times reports. Why do we keep letting this great man down time and time and time again? http://pjmedia.com/instapundit/218979/ He is a continuing embarrassment to America
  21. Hey, I'm a refugee...............................................lol US News and World Report .
  22. MARTIN O’MALLEY: Hey, you know what America needs? More Syrian refugees!
  23. THE ILLUSIONS OF THE ELITES, PART ONE: Why does Germany want so many refugees? Germany faces a severe labor shortage, both short-term and long-term. A study by the Robert Bosch foundation suggested that Germany’s workforce could shrink by about 6 million by 2030. I think what they get might not be what they want… THE ILLUSIONS OF THE ELITES PART TWO: Counter-Narratives From a Crisis. Brendan O’Neill tackles the preening—and worse than preening— of those in the European elite now so keen to show that they #WelcomeTheRefugees. THOMAS SOWELL: The Past and Future of the Refugee Crisis. .
  24. http://pllqt.it/fwyXQx So the first modern experiment with open borders by an industrialized nation lasted....10 days or so. The New York Times Germany Orders Curbs at Border in Migrant CrisisThe move was seen as a strong sign that Germany was growing weary of shouldering so much of the burden for Europe’s largest humanitarian crisis in decades. Denmark Says No: Will Not Take Any More Middle Eastern Refugees: http://trib.al/SNOLHsq .
  25. The Big Three Villains — Laziness, Stupidity, Corruption — and the Gun-Control Debate by Kevin D Williamson There are many popular demons in American public life: Barack Obama and his monarchical pretensions, Valerie Jarrett and her two-bit Svengali act, or, if your tastes run in the other direction, the Koch brothers, the NRA, the scheming behind-the-scenes influences of Big Whatever. But take a moment to doff your hat to the long, energetic, and wide-ranging careers of three of our most enduring bad guys: Laziness, corruption, and stupidity, which deserve special recognition for their role in the recent debates over gun control, terrorism, and crime. The Democratic party’s dramatic slide into naked authoritarianism — voting in the Senate to repeal the First Amendment, trying to lock up governors for vetoing legislation, and seeking to jail political opponents for holding unpopular views on global warming, etc. — has been both worrisome and dramatic. The Democrats even have a new position on the ancient civil-rights issue of due process, and that position is: “F— you.” The Bill of Rights guarantees Americans (like it or not) the right to keep and bear arms; it also reiterates the legal doctrine of some centuries standing that government may not deprive citizens of their rights without due process. In the case of gun rights, that generally means one of two things: the legal process by which one is convicted of a felony or the legal process by which one is declared mentally incompetent, usually as a prelude to involuntary commitment into a mental facility. The no-fly list and the terrorism watch list contain no such due process. Some bureaucrat somewhere in the executive branch puts a name onto a list, and that’s that. The ACLU has rightly called this “Kafkaesque.” Here’s where our old friends laziness and stupidity play a really prominent role: The no-fly list is not composed of identities, but merely names. Lots of people share the same name. So, for instance, the late Senator Ted Kennedy ended up on the no-fly list, because somebody had used his name (or a similar name) as an alias. Among people called “Kevin Williamson,” we find myself, the famous Scream screenwriter, a notable Scottish politician and political activist (he is also the author of Drugs and the Party Line), a Canadian entertainment journalist, a fine woodworker who sells his wares on Twitter, and a famous underwear model for whom I am unlikely to be mistaken. If a trip to the DMV or the IRS one day eventually sends me over the edge into full-on barking mad durka-durka-Mohammed-jihad territory, those other Kevin Williamsons are going to suffer simply because we share a name. {snip} But sorting out the criminals and malefactors from the law-abiding and peaceable is very difficult and demanding work, which is why we pay the ladies and gentlemen in our law-enforcement and intelligence agencies so much to do it. (Two hundred grand a year goes a long way in Philadelphia.) Conservatives are naturally inclined to indulge the police, but the fact is that the run of them are specimens of what you get when you take the same lazy unionized public-teat-suckling lumps over at the DMV and put guns on their hips and tell them that they are “at war” with the people they serve. Our intelligence guys aren’t in the main Blackford Oakes or James Bond: They’re drones compiling Excel reports until their pensions kick in. That cow-eyed young TSA gate agent with the “GANGSTER” neck tattoo grabbing your nozzle at the airport isn’t the best and brightest, and the guy he works for only has to be one step up. The distance between the guy staring dumbly into your traveler-sized tube of shaving cream and the guy making policy about staring dumbly into traveler-sized tubes of shaving cream is about 300 points on the SAT. The murdering woman in San Bernardino was traveling the world on a Pakistani passport and had spent a great deal of time in Saudi Arabia before all but announcing her intentions on Facebook with her public declaration of allegiance to the Islamic State. That loon didn’t make it onto anybody’s no-fly list, but we’re giving the hairy eyeball to guys from Wauwatosa, Wisc., writing biographies of Dick Cheney. Well-done, Secret Agent Jackass, here’s a new decoder ring. On the matter of ordinary workaday murders of the South Chicago and North Philadelphia type, it cannot be repeated enough that the majority of the killers — 90 percent in New York City according to a New York Times review of the data — have prior criminal histories, often for violent crime, frequently involving weapons offenses. Chicago, among other cities, does basically nothing to prosecute crimes involving the illegal possession of guns. For all the clucking about straw-purchasers — phony buyers who help criminals avoid background checks when acquiring guns — the U.S. attorney’s office for blood-soaked Chicago won’t even bother with those cases as a matter of policy. Why? Too much work, not enough juice. Nobody’s career gets made by putting some South Side gangster’s mom in the pokey for making a straw purchase of a Glock for her beloved son. The Democrats and their intellectually corrupt apologists at the New York Times and elsewhere are willing to strip Americans of their constitutional rights, to micturate from a great height upon the entire concept of due process, and to treat all of us like criminals — while doing precisely nothing to prevent school shootings, terrorism, or ordinary crime — because they don’t have the guts to tell their political clients in the schools, the mental-health bureaucracies, and the criminal-justice system that eventually they are going to have to do their goddamned jobs in exchange for the hundreds of billions of dollars we lavish upon them. It is time for Americans to grow up and to sober up. It may push your soy-latte buttons every time Bubba down in Muleshoe, Texas, buys a scary-looking black gun and declares war upon a row of defenseless Budweiser cans, but inconveniencing Bubba isn’t going to get the job done. Laziness, stupidity, corruption: The U.S. government exists for the sole purpose of protecting the rights of U.S. citizens, but somehow the fine minds at the New York Times conclude that the federal government should do more to burden the citizens to whom it owes every duty than, say, so-called refugees from Syria to whom the U.S. government has no duty whatsoever. Why? Because the alternative is expecting the employees of our federal, state, and local governments to do their duties, and that is just too much work. Read more at: http://www.nationalreview.com/article/428139/gun-control-debate-government-laziness-stupidity-corruption
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