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Posts posted by SuperKillerRobots

  1. It's a good idea, but I don't know if we should have a recovering alcoholic (Thurman), a wife-beater (Kelly), or a poor character/attitude guy (Bruce) mentoring the younger guys. Deion was a loud mouth and show-off, but he was a good player and I can't really remember him getting into a lot of trouble off the field when he was playing. Now maybe if those former players showed the younger ones how to do all that stuff without getting caught or at least without getting in trouble with the league, we might be getting somewhere...

  2. I was the victim of a hit and run two years ago. Thankfully I was not hit and my car was, while it was parked on my one way street. The nature of the incident was that a car was driving at a high speed the wrong way down my street when it hit a parked car and spun into my car, among others. This happened at about 4 am. When the car stopped spinning, according to a witness who heard the noise and came out of their house, the driver got out and ran into a nearby house, which happened to be his own house, only about a block from the accident. When I called the police and they took all the information down, they had the witnesses statement. They also recieved a call reporting that same car stolen at about 6 am that morning - two hours after the incident.


    The police, since "they did not have credible evidence", as they put it, to charge the driver, would not go to that person's house to question them. No criminalcharges were ever filed against the car owner either. Eventually, since I had to pay the deductable for the work on my car, my insurance company sued him for it in civil court and won - 18 months later. That's when I got my $500.00 deductable back.


    The cops will not go out and talk to Lynch unless they can prove in court that he was driving or he elects to speak with them. Otherwise this will be resolved in civil court, not criminal.


    This is not to make light of what the poor girl went through or about the driver "being a man" about it. Those are separate cases all together. For everyone who is saying the driver is in the wrong and is a bad person, how do even know that the driver knew he hit some one?

  3. Why hasn't he been arrested yet? The physical evidence is present (damaged vehicle, damaged human being). There are eyewitnesses. What's the hang up here? I don't care who he is -- he needs to be brought into custody and questioned -- no more of this BS of waiting for him to step forward.


    This is how the legal process works. Even if he were to be questioned by the police, he wouldn't have to answer legally, since it might be construed as self-incrimination. Now pleading the fifth probably won't help him with the league, but it could get him off the hook legally.


    The other thing is that how are you really going to find a credible witness to something that happened on Chippewa at 3:30 am? The defense attorney just has to ask the witness how many drinks they had that night. Not to mention that since the story has taken off in the enws and the witness just came forward in the past two days, it causes doubt about the witnesses motives. What if the "witness" was a bartender who Marshawn didn't tip that night? Or maybe Marshawn was hitting on some one's girlfriend that night - or any other night - and that guy thought it would be a good way to get back at him. Christ - it might even be a Dolphins, Pats, or Jets fan that is trying to ruin our season!


    Not that any of these thigns are that probable, but they are all just as valid as Marshawn actually hitting the girl and driving away.

  4. Is it just me or is anyone else having a hard time with the Lynch hit and run aftermath? According to Channel 2 four witnesses say that Marshawn was at the wheel and that other Bills were in the car with him.


    If true, what does that say about the moral fiber of this team? The old Polian/Levy "draft only character guys" philosophy is dead. I can't imagine Jim Kelly being in a similar scenario back in the glory days and hiding behind attorneys for days on end.


    What kind of a team do we really have if players (plural) would hit a citizen of the community and leave her laying in the road. For all they knew they may have killed her.


    I'm starting to think that Beast Mode may have a double meaning.


    Wasn't their philosophy to draft players with high football character? They wanted players who loved to play football, not necessarily guys who won't screw up off the field. All of the guys we have drafted recently fit that profile. They like to play football, a lot have come from poor backgrounds (monetarily and support-wise), and have overcome a lot to play football. The hope being that they want to play football to the point that they might change their lifestyles when they mature a bit so the off-field issues are a non-factor.


    I don't want Tim Anderson bringing his lunch pale to work every day, I want Marshawn Lynch and Jason Peters stealing Tim Anderson's lunch pale every day.

  5. Yeah because JP couldn't do in in 4 seasons, but Trent is supposed to do it in his 1st rookie season which reall isn't his rookie season, but using JP apologist logic last year was Jp's real rookie season, since every other year he was messed with or injured so they didn't count. Once he got a full season of starts the next season was his real rookie year. So Trent is still at least one year from his real rookie season. this is only a practice rookie season. we'll let you know when he really is a rookie, so then we can start the clock on whether he is a bust or not. Of course he'll need at least 2 years beyond his real rookie season before anything can be expected of him. After all fair is fair.


    So I don't get it... You don't like JP, you don't seem to think Trent did anything in his rookie season, but by what you said, since he was hurt, this is his rookie season ("messed with or injured" last season)? So, since he gets two practice seasons before his real rookie season, do you expect him to do anything this year? Are you saying that because Trent got hurt fo rpart of the year last year that this should be his new rookie season and we shouldn't expect anything out of a rookie!?

  6. I think you are right in saying that this case has a lot to do with the timing of each QBs career and that timing in general affects sports players more than most fans will admit, but I think you took it too far. Speaking only of football, I would say that it is the skill positions players that are impacted the most by timing. If you have a QB, but no TE or WR, then that's poor timing. Vice-versa is true as well. Those positions are dependant on each other to play well. You could also say that if you can't pass the ball, then the running game isn't going to work, no matter how good your o-line is. There are exceptions, but generally if a defense stacks 8 in the box, the offense isn't going to run very effectively.


    With that said, I would say linemen on both sides of the ball are not influenced by timing for the most part. Of course it might depend on scheme (zone blocking vs smash mouth, tampa 2 vs two gap), but for the most part those guys are not dependant on other positions to make plays. In fact to a certian extent other positions are dependant on linemen to make plays and be good/great players.

  7. I think he will be traded in training camp or preseason for a late draft pick next year.

    Young CBs have value even inconsistant ones who have had other things on mind preventing him for doing job he was paid to do.


    I was thinking along those lines myself, but I wonder if Youboty shows some flashes this pre-season, they might consider trading Greer, who I think is about to be an FA and sicne he was a UDFA from the previous regime, they might view him as expendable. Not to mention he is probably worth much more than Youboty in trade. I could see it happening because Greer probably won't be re-signed after his contract is up anyways.

  8. Hate:












    Red Sox



    Syracuse U

    Notre Dame


    Rodney Harrison

    Teddy Bruschi (and his swiss cheese heart)

    Terrell Owens

    Tom Brady

    Willis McGahee

    Dan Marino

    John Elway


    I don't have time to list any more.

  9. I'm shocked that you'd be on that side, Bill.


    Anyway, I didn't state that I believed Benson, just that I was leaning toward his side now if that 911 call indeed happened, and noted that Austin has a history and reputation of a poorly run police department.


    Like Cheektowaga...

  10. And that makes Austin different than the rest of the country's municipalities how? Anyone with any street smarts knows exactly how the cops do what they want, when they want, and exactly how to circumvent the law. They are mostly POS worse than the communities they police.


    I second, but watch out - I think one of those new cameras on Chippewa can see through my office window and what I am writing. They'll come for all of us tonight!


    "Sir, you're going to have to come with me, you didn't shovel the snow from your sidewalk."


    "But officer, it hasn't snowed in over a month!"


    "So, you admit that you didn't shovel your sidewalk when it snowed then. We have a place for people like you..."

  11. That's a pretty good attempt. One thing is for certain, it will be one of the msot interesting pre-seasons in terms of who gets cut in a while. There is a lot more talent than in the past on this roster and a few good players will probably get cut. I agree that they keep 6 WRs - Jenkins being the last and I bet they only keep 10 DBs total, since they had talked about wanting to use Whitner as a CB sometimes. Not sure who out of that group goes though. I think they also keep 9 or 10 DLs, since they finally have some players who can contribute and have a little experience.


    It would be great if one of the TEs could long snap since it would open up another roster spot.

  12. I appreciate you showing those numbers....it just seems to me from watching the games that the ball was shared a lot more when Edwards was in.....Evans got his catches but was not always the guy that had to have the ball....and Edwards seem to look for his Tight Ends a lot more.


    I dont know....maybe its just me.


    I tend to agree that the numbers appear more equal than I thought they would based on watching the games. I tend to think that the reason people think Trent distributes the ball mroe is because he seemed to do it more when the game was on the line. People think of JP winning ball games (the few that he did over his tenure) with a pass or two to Lee Evans. I remember him hitting Roscoe deep agains tthe Jets once, but I think that was before half time. Edwards on the other hand will go to different people in the clutch. Reed caught the one over the middle against the Skins and Gaines a few times in third down situations. Aside from the few times JP went to Roscoe and the end of that game when the A-Train caught five passes in the last four minutes, he really only looked to Lee in the clutch it seems.

  13. Oh, Favre got injured plenty. But, there aren't many that are going to continue to play QB in the NFL with a broken hand, etc.


    I haven't seen it mentioned in this thread, but Trent has expressed that he has "other interests" outside of football in the past. If serious, that may throw a wet blanket on any long-term playing arrangements (ala Robert Smith).


    Not to piss on the sacred cow, but wasn't Farve addicted to pain killers for an 19 month period that allowed him to go out and play through some pain for most of, if not all of a season? I think it was around the time he went to the Super Bowl.


    I don't think it was that Farve was unbreakable, he just had a better threshold for pain than most.

  14. Making excuses is what the Jauron lovers do best. I never heard so many excuses for why this NFL head coach is such a loser. If Edwards starts looking bad in 2008 because of the p*ssy offensive gameplanning like there was in 2007 then Bills fans who hated on Losman may finally come to realize it wasn't his or Edwards fault after all. The book on Losman hasn't been written yet, Jauron's is pretty much cast in iron now.


    I'm not saying you're wrong about Jauron, but I think what fans are trying to aviod by cutting him some slack is the "knee-jerk" reaction that often comes from fans who think you can turn a losing franchise around in a day or year. It doesn't happen. Also, do you think that all successful coaches are successful with every type of team? Could it be that come coaches are better suited for coaching younger players than older ones and vice-versa? That's really just one example too. You could say some coaches would be better to have coaching a defense first team and others an offense first team.


    I agree that Dick has had virtually no success in the NFL as a head coach and he almost seems, at least to me, to be more suited as a defensive coordinator (i.e. Gregg Williams). Does that mean I don't think he can post a winning season in 08? No. Does it mean that I don't think he can get us to the playoffs in 08? No. Does it mean I would feel good going far into the playoffs with him, with the extra burden of having playoff expectations on the team? Probably. At least until he does it for a first time.


    So, I agree that he probably is not our Super Bowl winning coach, but I don't think we have a legitimate shot at the Super Bowl this year anyway. Why run a guy out of town when at this point, there probably isn't a guy who is going to do a much better job. Also, I think the fact that we hired two coordinators, with no experience prior to him, made the FO (Wilson) want a guy with some experience and maturity. That's pretty much Dick.

  15. keeping only 7 OL would be typical of the Bills ignorance of its importance.


    However, even the Bills are not that stupid.


    You might be right - they might only keep 2 QBs too. I think I forgot the long snapper too, so that would actually be back to 54 with only 2 QBs and the snapper. The best senario would probably be if some one besides the now-sixth defensive end on the roster can long-snap.

  16. Buffalo will have ten DBs on the roster and will then probably have two more on the PS, just in case we get super low like last year. In a league that is becoming increasingly pass happy, you need a lot of good DBs who can come in and cover teams that go five wide on third and long. James will NOT BE CUT. He is the biggest corner we have plus he signed a multi-year deal. The Bills think he has some years left and that backfield is in desperate need of a veteran leader, which is exactly the type of player that James is.


    Some say that 10 DBs is too many and we won't have room for people at other positions where we lack depth. As far as I can tell, the positions shape up like this.


    1. O-Line-8 Players

    Jason Peters

    Derrick Dockery

    Melvin Fowler

    Brad Butler

    Langston Walker

    Duke Preston

    Kirk Chambers

    Jason Whittle


    2. D-Line 10 Players

    Aaron Schobel

    Marcus Stroud

    John McCargo

    Chris Kelsay

    Chris Ellis

    Kyle Williams

    Spencer Johnson

    Ryan Denney

    Jason Jefferson

    Al Wallace


    3. LB 6 players

    Kawika Mitchell

    Paul Pozluszny

    Angelo Crowell

    Keith Ellison

    John DiGiorgio



    4. WR 6 players

    Lee Evans

    James Hardy

    Josh Reed

    Roscoe Parrish

    Justin Jenkins

    Steve Johnson


    5. RB 4 Players

    Marshawn Lynch

    Fred Jackson

    Dwayne Wright

    Xavier Oman


    6. FB 2 Players

    Mike Viti

    Damien Barnes


    7. QB 3 Players

    Trent Edwards

    JP Losman

    Luke Drone


    8. TE 5 Players

    Robert Royal

    Courtney Anderson

    Teyo Johnson

    Derek Schouman

    Derek Fine


    9. CB 6 Players








    10. S 4 Players

    Donte Whitner

    Ko Simpson

    John Wendling

    George Wilson


    11. P 1 player

    Brian Moorman


    12. K 1 player

    Rian Lindell


    That is a total of 56 players. Three of them won't be starters and may be relegated to the practice squad. Further, it is likely that Al Wallace may not re-sign with the team, thus you have 55 players. Two won't be here. So, can the Bills carry 10 DBs on the roster and be successful? Absolutely. Against pass happy teams like NE and Cleveland, you need those talented DBs to go out and stop teams on third and long.


    There you go. I got rid of four players to bring you down to 52. The 53rd guy should be Bryan Scott at SS.

  17. I love that their argument is that we drafted a guy that's *too good*. Just what we don't want if we hope to win the Super Bowl, a bunch of guys that are too good at their position... :D


    They havea point though. I mean the Buffalo Bills just wouldn't the Buffalo Bills of this decade with good players instead of medicore players. Thanks for putting it into perspective realfootball365.com!

  18. BBB - great post.


    Holcomb's Arm - I don't think you can judge a draft on wheather or not the Bills re-sign a player after their first contract. I think too much else goes into re-signing a player to simplify it like that. I look at Clements like that. They could have signed him and probably wanted to, to a certain extent. I'm sure things like his attitude, his leadership, his play (consistency), and monetary request were all taken into account. The only thing you can really draft for is the ability and toa certain extent production (from college). I don't think you can tell if a player is going to get greedy, or if he is going to be a me first, loud-mouthed type player as much as you can say that he is going to play the game well. I believe that the Clements situation had more to do with the Bills not wanting to give that much money to a player who wasn't really a leader and came off as kind of an ass. The big contracts should be given to the players who are the complete package, not just good players on the field.

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