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Posts posted by alias

  1. Coach Marrone was emphatic about letting the results determine who starts. Right now, if we knew nothing about draft position, veteran experience, and all that blah-blah, then Tuel is ahead in this fight.


    If the argument against Tuel is, "But he's playing against third stringers," then let him start against the first stringers and let us see what we shall see...


    "Fair" should be fair.

  2. Joe Ferguson, at what we then called a "gas station," pumping gas as I did the same;

    O.J. Simpson at Lockport Memorial Hospital, where he often visited kids who were there;

    Jim Haslett at a (great) bar in Middleport called "Mr. Ed's";

    Steve Tasker at "The Chapel," a (great) church in Amherst;

    Steve Christie at the Walker Center (?) plaza in Wiliamsville.


    Except for Haslett (who had a pronounced edge at the time) they were all gentlemen when I met them. Years later I met Haslett at a U.B. track meet and he (at least 50 pounds lighter, for whatever reason) was a gentleman as well.

  3. http://www.ign.com/b...eport.77495994/


    cliff notes - good improvement as a senior and great intangibles but lacks size, strength, mobility...interestingly enough was drafted by Montreal Expos out of high school as a catcher

    I agree that the "humor" about Brady and his disposition on this board is redundant. Hearing the same jokes over and over again isn't funny or creative.




    Above is an article including a scouting report on Brady before the 2000 NFL draft. Buchsbaum, like most scouts, thought Brady lacked the build and arm strength to succeed in the NFL.


    Edit: Below is some more information on how Brady was perceived in 2000.



    I'm shocked that jelly Bills homers reacted this way in a Brady thread.


    That article posted above gives a good explanation. Basically, Brady didn't perform that well in college and his arm wasn't big enough.



  4. Nobody understood the power of the tuck rule at that time.

    It's obvious He was drafted so late because he was yet to be taught how to play QB by teddy bruschi.

    Times were different back then...a lot of teams were hesitant to draft a woman with a penis. We are all very accepting nowadays.

    All responses above me are top notch stuff...I actually laughed out loud. Thanks guys.


    "Top notch stuff," indeed! Such rollicking humor! Just say "Brady" and "penis" falls from the lips of many TBD posters!


    But does anyone have any football-related reason why Brady wasn't drafted until the 6th round?

  5. Man you are really obsessed with bringing the dude down. Must be excruciating for you. Bottom line: he just got signed by the most successful franchise of the last 15 years, and you're still throwing darts from your mom's basement.



  6. Jim Kelly cannot be overstated: he is Buffalo's greatest player, but his post-football life has shone brighter, by any significant measure, than his Hall of Fame athletic career.


    To top it all off, like many of us slugs he married way above himself! Then he and his bride turned their own tragedy into something redemptive -- something that has lifted other people.


    I am cynical about so many things, but I am thankful for the player Jim Kelly was, and the man he became.


    Get well, Jim.

  7. My advice is to find meaningful work. You are still, I'm hoping, young enough to break out of the vast waste which is sports talk. Get a degree as a registered nurse. You'll earn good pay and your life will have purpose beyond the mundane insignificance of sports. You can go home after work and unwind with sports talk right here. But don't make a life out of this drivel.

  8. Your story has given me courage. I would also like to come out and report my incident with ML. I was at the local Dairy Queen in Hamburg. My parking meter was about to run out and being the good citizen that I am, I ran out to put another quarter in. ML and a few other Bills just happened to park behind me. My excitement, when ML walked up to me holding a double scoop vanilla cone, quickly turned into horror when he snatched the quarter out of my hand and went,"Yoink! I gotsta get muh sprinkles onnn!" I looked at the other Billls for help but they laughed and shouted, " Yehhh! Go Beast MOdddE!" and high fived each other and patted ML on the butt. Suffice it to say, my meter ran out and I left the scene lest I be molested.


    I was at the local greasy spoon, with a hankering for the blue plate special. I had my eye on the parking lot, because the underground was abuzz with reports that Marshawn and his Billy-boys were in the vicinity, with mayhem on their minds.


    I'd been apprised of their modus. It was all mall, they said. But the underground was telling a different tale. The blogosphere was rife with tales of ML and his 'hood-billies skulking in isolated, out-of-the-way diners.


    I choked down some chicken as my eyes lingered on the lot. Then what to my wondering eyes should appear, but a phalanx of obnoxiously ostentatious Hummers and Escalades.


    I'm not the fool my mother raised me to be, so I quickly surmised the portent of all this polished chrome appearing at once in the parking lot of a nearly abandoned suburban strip mall. It could only mean "Marshawn"--and Marshawn meant "lynch."


    I knew Marshawn had a particular predisposition toward $20's, so I dug deep into my pocket. As he and his retinue burst through the door, I placed my $20 on the counter in self defense.


    Marshawn grinned that metalic grin as he hunkered down. Just a seat separated me from his stupefyingly ugly dread-locked, gap-toothed countenance.


    "Got any change?" he asked. "I need to use the phone. Batteries died." I looked up to see a patch of Blackberries, glowing in the hands of his henchmen.


    "All's I got is the $20."


    "That'll do. Thanks." And he was gone.


    I'm not the sentimental sort, but as I turned it over in my mind, something in me didn't mind being fleeced.


    Maybe it's because I'm a postal carrier. It's not much, but I've got my route. I'm first string on the 1900 block of McKinley. But what's Marshawn got? Second string now, & sinfully ugly; he's the baby they should have thrown out with the bathwater.


    The man's got nothing else. Probably can't even get any interest from the fat girls on Chippewa. But at least he can say he's got my $20.


    A sadder but a wiser man, I rose the 'morrow morn.

  9. I was at that game. The hair on the back of my neck stood up watching it. If Maybin is anything like Bennett in the pass rush, he won't be a bust.

    I was there, too. Bennett did not start. When he came into the game it was the first time he'd taken the field as a Bill. Elway was crouched over center. He stood up, looked over at Bruce, then looked over at Bennett, then called an immediate timeout and walked to his bench. It was fan-de-monium!

  10. A big FU to anyone who is happy about this. I hope Brady comes back and is as good as ever. Beating those b!tches won't feel as satisfying unless he's the qb. Aside from that, there's nobody on this board that wouldn't switch places with him in a second. Gisele, best player in the league (don't doubt it after NE's fall this year), etc...


    You are not authorized to speak for me or for anyone here. I would not switch places with anybody, least of all Brady. So take your FU and apply it to only yourself.

  11. I don't get how some people are happy about this.


    It is FUN being a fan and rooting against Brady on the field.


    Brady's CAREER is something that is real life and IMPORTANT.


    Brady's HEALTH is even more IMPORTANT. An injury like that could linger might effect his everyday life. Can you imagine being a dad like Brady and not being able to play with your bastard child on the other side of the ocean? What about future bastard children? Will he even be able to play catch with them when he visits twice a year?


    It is sad how some fans put fanhood about career and health.



    I was doing OK until crayonz had to go and mention the bastard children and Brady's semi-annual visits, and how they might not be able to play catch with Dad. Then I lost it.

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