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Posts posted by alias

  1. Tuel has sucked since the beginning of training camp. His bashing has been warranted since day one. He's terrible.


    Feel better now?


    Obviously Tuel Trashing meets deep-seated needs that mere football talk cannot deliver. I'm interested to know, since you're a practitioner, if you consider Tuel Trashing to be therapeutic, or addictive, or both?


    Has it got a grip on you, or do you have a grip on it?

  2. My favorite Bills memory is Don Beebe racing down the field to strip the ball from Leon Lett's grasp at the goal line in the Super Bowl.


    I consider it to be the quintessential Buffalo Bills moment: hopelessly behind in the game, against all odds, with no realistic chance of succeeding, Beebe brought honor to himself and his team. It was the ultimate moral victory for a team and a town who have yet to achieve "real" victory in the ultimate football game.

  3. I'm not all that sure about who does and doesn't have a quick release, or who goes through his progressions better than whom, but from what I see, EJ Manuel is a keeper.


    Having already used a fishing term ("keeper") I might as well extend the metaphor. I fish a lot (too much) and whenever I do, I reach into my tackle box for the lure I have the most confidence in.


    It may not wiggle the best, or glow the brightest, or have the quickest release, or go through progressions more smoothly than some of the others, but it lends me the most confidence that I will somehow succeed.


    That's what EJ Manuel does for the Buffalo Bills offense.

  4. Leodis played a great game today. This defensive backfield could be stellar once Gilmore comes back. For all of the Leodis haters on this board, you were all wrong.


    And for those that anointed Kiko the next great player, he was invisible all day today. He got chewed up by the Pats line. The run defense was horrendous.


    If Kiko is #50, I am mystified by your comments. #50 was a defensive force for our side.

  5. Don't know about anyone else, but it seemed to me that deferring on the kickoff was ill conceived last year and the years under Gailey. It almost always put us in the hole early, and IMO having the ball in the second half was not enough to justify the strategy. Take the damn ball if we win the toss, attempt to put pressure on the opposing team with a 7 point lead. What say you?


    It's always struck me as over-coaching. It sets the tone that "We're going to out-think 'em," while I'd prefer to out-play 'em. Deferment is pusillanimous.

  6. He was a great teacher, he was my track coach as well




    I ran against St. Joe's track and cross-country teams that were coached by Bob Ivory. They were the best teams I ever saw--Brian Quinn, the Trammel (sp?) brothers, etc., etc. In a later era I coached against some of Jim Roland's teams. Over decades of experience against them, I came away with total, complete, and untrammeled (!) respect for St. Joe's.

  7. Somewhere in this post is a veiled attempt at potty humor. Onslaught... tedious... puns... fixated... "Wood"... I can't quite put my... let's go with finger... on it, but I can sense it. What're you hiding, alias. Go ahead and let out with a good poop joke... you know you want to.


    That's what Sigmund said.

  8. If this is true, this is BIG news. Extending Wood now is very important, because in a few years he will be much older, and will be practically unable to extend and likely will be a much poor performer. It was a long, hard road to extend Wood, but, as Bills' fans, we should be glad that the organization is about pointing onward and upward into the future.


    Here we go again. Here comes the onslaught of the same tedious "Wood" puns that weren't funny three days ago when the same fixated eighth graders had at it.

  9. I'm not sure that it's condescension as much as a fervent hope that he doesn't have to start. I can tell you that's where I'm coming from.


    Your fervent hope doesn't bother me at all; fervent hope is what being a Bills fan is all about! What bothers me is the incessant need, on the part of many, to tear down one of our own in order to prop another one up. That's not necessary, it's not what being a Bills fan is about, and I remain perplexed and a little troubled by it all.


    Thanks for listening!

  10. I asked you to "cut the argumentative BS." You were goading people earlier in the thread and I asked you to stop. That has nothing to do with what I asked above.



    You can ignore the question if you like, but I'm curious what your point was earlier in this thread. How should Bills fans feel about Tuel as a starter week 1? You say we're fighting it tooth and nail and I don't get that.


    You said this:

    I'm not real sure what you mean by "fighting it tooth and nail," but if my choices are Manuel or Tuel starting week 1 I sure know what I'm hoping for. What exactly is your point?


    What I am addressing is not the hypothetical 'if' but the situation which actually presents itself today: of three Buffalo QB's, two are down and half the board seems to be devoting itself to the disparagement of this kid from Washington State who is going to be handed the ball under very trying circumstances to do the best he can to win a game for the red, white, and Buffalo-blue.


    I just don't get all the condescension for one of our own.


    By the way, thanks for your interest in my opinion. Whoever you are, you've proven to be a gentleman.

  11. Since you've made it public, what I did was ask you to stop behaving like an ass. That has nothing to do with the question I asked you here in the thread. You expect people to be jumping up and down because a story could happen? I'd much prefer a competitive game, but that's just me. So, what was your point?


    My point is that as a moderator, you shouldn't tell people to back off and then, in the very next breath, bait them. I'd report you to the moderators, but -- as I said and as you can see -- I'm standing on tilted terrain.

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