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Posts posted by alias

  1. I think it's because everyone likes a good story; especially an underdog story. I think local message boards are fighting it tooth and nail because they know this kid went undrafted for very good reasons. Everyone just wants to find the next Warner or Brady. Someday, that will happen ... but it sure as hell isn't Jeff Tuel.


    I read your reply, but I'm still wondering why -- when a team has 3 QB's and two go down -- that the nation is pulling for the kid QB but Bills fans aren't? Hmmmm...

  2. Well, alias, if you choose to go this route, please go into the PPP area and strike up this conversation. The OP mentioned something which I questioned - because, well frankly, it was absurd. There is no hobby horse and there is no insinuation of political correctness or incorrectness. It was a question. Leave it alone or go to PPP.


    Heigh ho, Silver!

  3. Regardless his past experience or skill level, the fact that Tuel could be our starter for game one is becoming big national news. It was even covered on the sports segment of a local news station during drive time in L.A. I could not believe that I was hearing a local sports caster talking about Tuel and the Bills. Of course he referenced it as a pending disaster but the idea the Bills and Tuel would actually get mentioned in this market was amazing to me.


    On a national level, people are watching with fascination as this story unfolds. But local message boards are fighting it tooth and nail, and I don't quite understand why.

  4. My bride (of then only a few years) and I attended a function at Chestnut Ridge Park in the mid 90's. We live closer to Rochester than Buffalo, and she had never been to Rich Stadium. So I pulled off the 219 and into the stadium parking lots. As we were walking around the stadium perimeter, a football-player sized man emerged from a doorway and haltingly made his way toward his car. My wife asked if he was a Buffalo Bill, and I said "That's Chris Spielman."


    "He can hardly walk," she said.


    Three days later we watched the Bills on TV and Spielman was an absolute tiger. My wife wanted to know how he could play like that on Sunday when he walked like that on Thursday. Then I told her the legend of Chris Spielman...

  5. Not at the game but I did ride my bike from the east side to see the stadium the day before. I was 14 then.



    That was nothing. I used to pedal my way to Crystal Beach on my 20" banana bike. (Anyone remember those?) Back then the customs agents thought nothing of letting me in. Can you imagine an unaccompanied 13 year old on a bike trying to get into Canada now?




    You need a literary agent. You have a treasure chest of short stories just waiting to be written.

  6. Coach Marrone was emphatic about letting the results determine who starts. Right now, if we knew nothing about draft position, veteran experience, and all that blah-blah, then Tuel is ahead in this fight.


    If the argument against Tuel is, "But he's playing against third stringers," then let him start against the first stringers and let us see what we shall see...


    "Fair" should be fair.



    Well, I must say it's been fun!


    I'd heard that Bills QB Jeff Tuel has the highest QB rating in the league at this moment in time, and I wanted to know if that would stand up against the same conditions Kolb and Manuel must face.


    Despite being called stupid, a troll, and a closet racist, I still want to know. It's called the scientific method: you put the variables (Kolb, Manuel, Tuel) in the same beaker with the constants (first-string opposition) and see who does and doesn't blow up when conditions are replicated for each.


    By the way, to the poster who implied racism, my question from the start (see "veteran experience" above) was always about three contestants, two of whom were not black. To him I say that it takes a dirty little mind to find anything nefarious in the question I posed. Shame on you.

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