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Posts posted by lets_go_bills

  1. Speed and talent in the front-seven. Really, it's that simple. Chicago is not very good. Their line is weak, their backs are below-average, their receivers are scrubs, and their QB is Jeff George reincarnate.


    The only area in which Chicago fully outclasses the Bills is in its front-seven. Peppers, Harris, Briggs, Uhrlacher, Pisa T, Anthony Adams - these guys are fast, strong, and disruptive. If you're strong on either line, you've got a shot every week. (The Bills have no real talent in either of the trenches.)


    I love Luck, if he's there, take him with our upcoming top three pick. If he's not, take the meanest, most unblockable S.O.B. you can find for the front-seven.


    I'd have to agree. Our front seven is horrible. And I want Luck if he declares. If he doesn't, the top 3-4 pass rusher.

  2. OK...hear out my rationalization.


    University of Michigan loses a few more games this year and the school has decided that 3 years is enough of the Rich Rodriguez era.


    Jim Harbaugh sees that as his dream head coaching job and decides to take it (I'm guessing the job would be his if he wants it seeing what he did with Stanford in the short time he was there).


    Andrew Luck then decides that he does not want to spend his senior season learning a different coach's offensive playbook and enters the NFL draft.


    A miraculous turnaround aside, the Bills will be in position to draft this future phenom and the next decade will be, as they say, history.


    The only thing that worries me is Carolina outdoing us in losing football games and snagging him (they wouldn't right, not with Jimmy Claussen being taken in the 2nd just last year?) I know there's still a lot to be determined, but I've got my fingers crossed for good Luck. :thumbsup:


    Interesting. I like it and it's highly plausible.

  3. Chris Kelsay must have some major leverage over Ralph Wilson. He must have something on him, whether it's incriminating or monetary, remains to be seen. But he obviously has something. It's the only logical explanation for continually extending his contract with lucrative numbers that significantly over-pay him.

  4. Properly motivated and healthy, he can still be a force as a pass rusher. Not too long ago he was the most feared pass rusher in the league. We have absolutely no pass rush whatsoever, we're trying to move to a 3-4 and Nix knows him. All thing considered, it's fairly low-risk fo Buffalo. If it doesn't work out, we can part ways at the end of the year, having given up nothing for him and only paying a small salary. If it does work, he revives his career and we can a legit pass rusher. Something we haven't had in a long time. I say put in a claim. What have we got to lose?

  5. They're still talking about it. La Canfora says he's talked to a few GMs and the general consensus is that he'll go unclaimed and then be re-signed by NE. Minny loses the pick AND would be on the hook for his salary. Unreal. The NFL CANNOT allow this happen.

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