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Everything posted by HelloNewman

  1. Does anyone know which CBS crew is calling this game on Sunday?
  2. I feel for ya......seems like that is standard operating procedure for many families in today's society
  3. Today I celebrate my 35th birthday and my wife is the only one who bothers to put any effort into it. The rest of my family does not even bother to send me a $2.00 card in the mail. They cheap out and send me those free ecards. Does anyone out there believe that if someone sends you an ecard they are showing you they are too cheap to buy a $2.00 card and put it in the mail? I know it is the though that counts but geez......talk about cheaping out!!!
  4. I will be praying for him I know that Rochester General Hospital is one of the top heart hospitals in the nation....try to see if your Dad can come here for his treatment when he gets out and make sure you stay on top of his care while he is in the ICU. Find out everything you can about what is going on with your Dad and if anything is not up to snuff do not be afraid to speak up to the staff about it.
  5. I know I am going to get a lot of people telling me how negative I am and this is only the preseason.....but I have watched good teams play and I have watched our beloved Bills play and I am sorry to say we are not going anywhere this year...why? - Bledsoe moves like Frankenstein in cement shoes. He does not move...he lumbers and teams know this so they go after him. He also gets rattled easily if sacked enough times and teams know this so they go after him. He just does not do anything fast and nimble like other QB's do....he lumbers. -The special teams are certainly not special. How in God's name does a team on 4th down end up with only 10 players on the field? GOOD TEAMS DO NOT DO THIS!!!! Tell me this....did this dumb mistake happen to any of the playoff teams a year ago? Nope. - The offensive line is in total disarray. You have a RT who is a fat unprepared slob with mental issues who gets turned around by the other teams DE? Right now he frightens nobody because he does not have that killer instinct. Compare him to Orlando Pace of the Rams.....What has Mike Williams done to strike the fear into hearts of other teams? NOTHING!!! This line scares nobody and is a mess.......... - We have a GM who has drafted an injured RB, a fat bust RT, and a decent to fair CB. Not exactly the second coming of Scott Pioli.
  6. Sorry...I do not find that show funny at all. It does not hold a candle to the Simpsons and South Park.
  7. Why is this team so snakebit? -Fat Mike showing up undedicated, out of shape, and now hurt -Losman out indefinately thanks to Troy and his stupidity- RED= NO TOUCH -The tastefully named Gregg Williams and his 17-31 record -Winfield not wanting to discuss contract with the Bills at all- wanting to leave that badly... - Trading a #1 pick for a QB who throws the ball out of bounds on 4th down because he was not sure what the down was. - Running back controversy- - Johnson/ Flutie controversy - Spending a #1 pick on a hurt RB I know I am sounding negative but watching other teams like the KC Chiefs and the Colts and the Ravens and the Patriots tearing it up in the draft and on the field it is hard to stay postive with all this garbage.......and bad drafting over the last few years.
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