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Posts posted by rafter

  1. The Ralph is a REAL Football stadium!!! Who needs retractable roofs and heated seats?! LOSERS!!! The reason you go see a football game in December is to freeze your cojones off and route on the Bills!!! If you want indoor sports, go to a basketball game!!! Enjoy the Ralph for what it is, a throwback to old time football and that's what it should be marketed as, ala Green Bay with the Frozen Tundra. Instead of arguing with the cold weather-hating media and out-of-town know-nothings, embrace our football heritage for what it is!!! We are a cold weather, blue collar city who likes our beer cold and our football stadiums COLDER!!!






    I am pumped to get a sunburn on Sunday, but be to drunk to notice it.

    Go Bills

  2. Agreed. I think it might be nice to give an update to dispel drug rumors. But there are reasons teams don't want to release any info. Once you make this comment (to help out Nelson) then you are expected to comment in every case, or you are damning by silence. The team's position (and most teams' position) is to stay silent on the infraction.


    Correct. By setting a precedent of silence on the matter, the teams can state 'you dont know all the facts' regardless of the scenario. He could have used a diuretic from GNC, or have been chasing his steroids with heroin and we would get the same response. There is most likely a clause in the existing CBA to allow for player privacy in most situations.

  3. Do you think Jets fans care who Revis faces at WR? I will put money they don't. Having good players on a good team makes a fan feel comfortable about who they're going against but we never feel that way anymore because we don't have many "good" players. And it's a dam shame.


    You guys are watching Long because you know that's the ONLY chance Maybin has of getting 1 sack this season.


    Continue on with your "Sean Smith and Vontae Davis and Jake Long watches." Just shows the lack of faith you have in your players.


    It has been well documented by Jet fans and national media who Revis would be covering on a weekly basis. The fact that Revis could be out was definitely considered by all fans and teams that face the Jets this year. Player status matters and its your choice to be blind toward it. Don't be hassling us for doing what every fan of every other team does.

  4. When Bruce Smith was playing, did you care about who he was facing? Did LT care about who offensive line he was facing? Do you think Andre Johnson cares about what CB he's facing? Do you think Steelers fans worry about their defense facing the Colts as much as we would worry? NO. During the glory days, i could care less what defense we went up against because I had FAITH in our players. I didn't care who Andre was matched up against because I knew that Kelly would get him the rock.


    It makes PERFECT sense. If you had faith in your players and your team, you don't worry about these kinda things. Good players on good teams just do their thing no matter the matchup.


    If Bruce Smith was playing, and Richmond Webb was hurt, I think most would take notice. Injuries make a difference.

  5. The players take enough of a beating in 16 games. But the NFL needs more games for TV. What to do?


    1) Reduce the pre-season to 2 games and maybe a scrimmage.

    2) Add a second bye week.

    3) Add Tuesday and/or Wednesday night games.

    4) Have teams coming off a bye play those games.

    5) Add 1 more playoff team per conference, from 6 to 7.

    6) Add an extra week to the playoffs by having the 6th and 7th seed play a play-in game to the wild card round.


    The result: Regular season is 18 weeks, playoffs are 6 weeks, pre-season is two weeks. More games for TV. Two new nights of NFL football. An extra week to the most exciting part of the season: the playoffs. Players actually play fewer games instead of more, but season is longer. Win win win!






    There are negative side effects to some of those proposals.

    3) I would not be a fan of adding any more games outside of the weekends. I have season tickets and travel nearly 6hours x2 to attend games. This would make more games that I'm paying for and not able to attend.

    More games, and games played during the week would dilute 'The brand'. Resulting in each game being less important and saturating the market.


    5) They are adding more games, not more teams. I like how making the playoffs actually means something.

  6. my apologies on stevensville.


    but ya know what's curious: banana boy never told where he's from so that he could enlighten us on what this captivating hometown of his is like on a tuesday night, where the fountains perennially flow with gold, and the bartenders always have lovely stories of how the workers always stay downtown and never go home and never get too drunk and tip 40 percent, and where cherubs sing from gleaming spires of glass that reflect in the sun to form rainbow prisms on the always perfectly manicured park lawns, where dogs don't pooh, and kids run wild and free;


    it's a place where the newspapers -- all 17 of them -- have staffs of 613 reporters, each of whom works day and night to satisify these lustful cravings for baseball and football and even hockey, even if the sabres are out of the playoffs. but then again, in a place like this, the home team is never out of the playoffs, because they always win the champoinship, and all the minor league baseball teams -- from single A on up to quintessential A -- play before packed houses, and they never play a road game, and everyone catches a foul ball and goes home happy.


    it's a wonder why he'd ever leave.




    I'll tell you where. Someplace warm. A place where the beer flows like wine. Where beautiful women instinctively flock like the salmon of Capistrano.

  7. The way I see it, Spiller fills the role of RB and WR(which is a need). Chan wants to put his stamp on a certain style of offense, and Spiller is going to play a pivotal roll. Whether people feel its a need or not, he offered great value at the spot he was taken, and gives us great flexibility to move Marshawn for more picks in this supposedly deep draft.

    Who knows, after the season starts and a contenders RB goes down, Lynch's value will be higher in picks for next years draft.

    Either way, lets let this play out as we have 8 more picks.

  8. NFL | Bulger wants another opportunity to start

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    Tue, 20 Apr 2010 07:49:15 -0400


    Brad Biggs, of the Chicago Tribune, reports free-agent QB Marc Bulger (Rams) will first look to see if he can find another starting job in the NFL before signing with a team as a backup quarterback.





    Does anyone here think Marc has anything left in his tank? He wants a chance to start? Buffalo sounds like the place. The friggin' job is wide open right now isn't it? Would it hurt to sign him at vet minimum plus bonus incentives if he wins the job?


    Just sugar.

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