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Posts posted by AJ1

  1. Ralph has presented Bills' fans with 2 choices which devolve into one actual.


    1) Support the team or I'll move it.


    2) The team I put on the field really isn't competitive and a it's a 'team' in name only'.



    In either case, the Bills' fans have nothing.

  2. it's clear to me now that our success in the early 90's was from polian's personnel moves and not levy's coaching. in fact, if we'd had a different coach we might have gone 4 & 0


    A coach with anything on the ball would of won one by accident. No one will ever touch Levy's record of futility. It was 90% personnel( Polian ), 5% luck, and 5% having a coach that knew when to get out of the way.

  3. The chances of Jauron resigning are just slightly higher than the chance of Ralph Wilson selling me the Bills for $9.50 and a Buy one Get one Free coupon for Dennys


    The way Ralph is going, you might want make the offer. Nobody with more than a 6 grade education would have extended DJ, either.

  4. The game was over. Trent sucked ass. Why did DJ not put Fitz in just to see what would happen?

    Is he not even THAT creative?


    I was wondering the same thing. No chance of winning...see what the second string guy can do.


    Reason 102 to fire Jauron's lame ass.

  5. Listen I want Jauron gone also...


    But would firing him tonight make the team better??


    I mean they had 4 starters out on defense and the O- line is the most inexperienced in Bills history.


    They still don't have a QB that can win. They have a rookie OC that still learning on the job. T.O. is just a decoy on the downside of his career.



    would Bobby April do the job any better?


    Wait until the end of the season and make the move.


    Until then make better use of your Sundays , this is gonna be a long season folks.


    I agree that no one could turn this around mid-season, but I would be gratified to see the non-entity Jauron replaced by someone who at least showed some environmental awareness on the sidelines. I have seen much more of that perpetual blank stare than I can stomach.

  6. During Dick's tenure, there's always been a point in the season where the Bills eventually become unwatchable and make you stop caring about them. Seemingly that moment comes earlier and earlier every season he's been here. After only bothering to watch about 10-15 minutes of today's game, Jauron has surpassed a personal best by getting me to tune out this team somewhere early in Week 4.

    Congratulations Dick! You're the best!!!


    Of all the blunders Ralph has made as owner of the BBs, giving Jauron a job extention is by far the worst.

  7. Wrong!

    How many more times can he say "the defensive scheme was very good, it took Lee and Terrell out of play". What? You're admitting to the world you're being out-coached weekly???? Scheme better, please!


    His press conferences are all wrong....no fire, no passion, no swagger. Just a confused, book smart, old, white Ivy league guy who deep down is more conservative than Rush Limbaugh.


    Defending anything Dickie J does should be considered a felony at this point.


    Give me Mike Tomlin, Rex Ryan or Samurai Mike all day, every day.



    Has Dingyberry Dick ever heard of a plan B? Or of in-game offensive adjustments? Or of being more than semi-comatose on the sideline? Time to resign DD....use health reasons as a cover.

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