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Posts posted by peterlaw

  1. Every $ counts in terms of the Byrd contract. Assuming CJ has a decent year his salary goes up to $10m? Wood up to $6m? That's a lot of extra cap space required which means tight cap management now. I still think we need (and we will get) a veteran ILB off the waiver wire which will cost. Has Brandon got his Analytics Team in place yet?


    Oh the 6 turnovers the offense had that game which account for 42 point?


    It was a horror story. But what did the D do when the O gave up the ball. They all seemed to step to one side to allow a clear passage to our end zone. Unacceptable. And this was repeated the following week.


    Great (elite) players make the other players around them better.



    the reasoning that a defense played poorly so no one player is ever allowed to be respected, or well compensated again is a bit odd.


    To highlight a game where we conceded 52 points and basically had no defence in the second half seems surprising to hold up as an example of Byrd's high level of play and justify a $8m / $10m pa contract demand.


    I think it's unfair to look at this one example of a poor decision in the run game and use it against Byrd without considering games like Arizona from this past year, in which he made 2 game-changing plays that helped deliver the win in spite of Gailey's abysmal play-calling in the 3rd and 4th quarter. I'd also urge you to watch his performance in the 1st half of the week 4 game against NE...his play had a huge impact on the game.


    I do agree, however, that he's probably not worth $8M/year...understand, however, that he would indeed get that on the open market, so that's the battle that the Bills are fighting with themselves right now.


    I'd rather not rewatch the Pats game where they put up 52 points on the Bills. Did we have a Defense in the second half? How anyone on the D can ask for $8m after that is beyond me. Byrd may have made some plays in the first half, but that's a bit like Tiger Woods saying I shot a great 30 on the front nine but had a 55 on the back nine Elite players do it all the time. Now I'm hoping we can pin the Pats game on our departed D Co-ordinator and move on.

  5. http://www.nationalfootballpost.com/Playbook-Chris-Johnson-runs-past-the-Bills.html


    Is Byrd really worth $8m or $9m pa? Perhaps Eugene & Jairus can take a look at this link from the Titans game and then get back to Doug Whaley. Top Safety in the NFL? Just sign the $6.91m contract and be grateful.


    Byrd is averaging 3 INTs per season in the last 3 seasons. Not elite numbers.




    I've held off and held off but man.... Each post you make on this seems more out of touch with the reality of the situation than the post before.


    It's a negotiation. It's standard practice, even though it hasn't happened much in buffalo. Chill and let it play out. The next 3 weeks are unlikely to see any movement. Come mid July we will know a lot more. We aren't getting 2 firsts. He isn't sitting out all year. Overwhelming odds are he suits up week 1 for buffalo and its a question of whether we get to do this again next year or not (as the tag even with increase for his second would still be reasonable)


    OK NoSaint. You're right. It's time to chill. As Doug Marrone said its time to take 6 weeks off to relax with family and friends before camp. I guess some of us are too eager for the roster to be set and the regular season to begin. It's just a pity that JB is not relaxing with his iPad play book and a nice fat contract (but not too fat) in his pocket !



    Besides what Nucci said, the Bills can't fine Byrd because he's not under contract.


    True. But in the meantime the Bills are not paying Byrd but hold his NFL contract rights. However surely his Franchise Tag Offer of $6.91m will involve him participating in Training Camp. If he fails to do so surely there will be a monetary hit to Byrds contract (in effect he loses money and hurts his wallet).


    Never happen. Byrd is not worth 2 No.1s


    I agree. So perhaps he isn't as good as first imagined. Seems like Parker's main negotiation leverage has been "killed off" if no other team is prepared to pay the compensation required under NFL rules. Sign up to the franchise tag or don't get paid and the Bills retain your rights for 2014. Byrd stands to lose a lot of $$$'s.


    It's an interesting debate as to how many players are actually worth 2 first round draft picks.


    I'll play along. Sure, if I'm his agent, I let him visit the Bills. Then I insist that he promptly visit the remaining 31 teams. To personally appear in Buffalo (only) concedes leverage by revealing a desire to come back to THIS PARTICULAR team, to the exclusion of the others, thereby undermining your agent's effort to obtain max value by limiting the market. Must think with head, not heart.


    Maybe he will start thinking about his wallet when the Bills start fining him for failing to attend Training Camp. Happy for him to talk to any of the other 31 teams on basis they compensate the Bills with 2 first round draft picks if they want to sign him. Those are the NFL rules. My head says 2 first rounders rather than be held to ransom by Eugene Parker.

  10. if CJ produces like we all know he can and want him to, he will be in the running for total yards from scrimmage leader, rushing leader, and could add TDs into that list. He's absolutely amazing. We all know that. The coaches know that. The players know that. The opponents know that.


    So lets ask this question, if CJ has 1500+ yards, anywhere from 15-20 TDs, do you really think its long before he asks for more money?


    Lets say he has one good season like that, and he asks for more, we tell him to go pound sand. He says OK, ill come back without a holdout, but when I have an even better season in 2014, your going to pay me to be the highest paid RB in the league. Then he goes out, another year into Marrones offense with EJ firm as his number one, and destroys everyone he plays. Like he's Chris Johnson or Adrian Peterson. Then we have to pay him ungodly money to make him happy. And if we don't? We lose another 1st round RB, probably the best in the league at the time at his position, and have to start all over again at the RB position. Of course Freddy will probably retire or be forced to retire at about the same time because his legs will be about to fall off.


    So lets ask that question again if you think CJ still shouldn't be thought about when saving money.


    If CJ produces AP type yards and TDs I would have no hesitation paying him AP type money. $13m pa. 25 touches per game looks like tremendous value. I hope he does. Start clearing some cap space.



    He cant do it all.


    Ya, that to much, but they should be able to give him something good. Hes not a come in and go out guy, hes in the game almost every play.


    Correct - Byrd can't do it all and he still wont be able to do it all if he gets paid $8m pa / $10m pa. So lets use the cash to upgrade multiple defensive positions.

  12. Lets just move on with Aaron Williams at free safety. And put $6.91m to better use. Hope Jairus saved up some money from last year as he is not getting a pay check from the Bills any time soon. Tell Parker that he has our best offer, take it or leave it. Two first round picks if you want to play for someone else, assuming another team would pay more than $7m.

  13. The question now is whether Tuel gets the 3rd spot or they cut him and put him on the PS (if he shows anything) and keep Brad Smith as the emergency QB/utility man?


    Brad Smith? Emergency QB? As a Bill he has 2 passing attempts resulting in 2 interceptions. Our game plan should not involve this man throwing the ball.

  14. We shouldn't break the bank for a free safety. Bad for the TEAM that he is not learning the new system and gelling with new D secondary. Happy to let him sit and for the TEAM to move on if needs be. Sign him for reasonable money if we can but this salary cap money can be better spent elsewhere. I would love to get 2 first round picks for a Byrd trade but don't see anyone parting with this compensation.


  15. Is DeMarco eligible for the Practice Squad if he played (dressed) for 12 games for Arizona in 2011.


    Same issue for Kevin Elliott who played 13 games for the Jags in 2012.


    Also not sure on Marcus Easley eligibility for PS. Been around for 3 seasons, but long term injuries and has played only 3 games.


    Is there not a 9 game restriction? (Meaning DeMarco & Kevin will be not qualify for PS).



  16. I can only imagine that Doug Whalley is having doubts about some of Buddy's WR draft picks. The signing seems bizarre. Perhaps Doug liked him in the 2011 draft (and Buddy overlooked him). Perhaps DeMarco can also play MLB and CB as well as WR. His stats don't suggest he is a special team ace.

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