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Posts posted by ThreeBillsDrive

  1. But injuries have had a major part in destroying two seasons for us.


    Add to that a lack of depth once the injuries hit. Keith Ellison would be a backup Linebacker on the Dolphins, Pats, and Jets. In Buffalo, he's a starter. Once he goes down, the Bills have even lower tier players to replace Ellison. So much so that they have to convert Bryan Scott into a Linebacker.


    Other teams suffer injuries but have better depth than the Bills.

  2. Sad part is, some people on this board WANT Brohm to start just so they can determine if we the Bills need to draft a QB in the upcoming draft.


    They guy has been here 5 weeks(?), plucked from another teams practice squad, and people want to use the next TWO games to make a definitive answer on a project type player.




    Thank you for bringing rationality to the conversation.

  3. I think they signed him because they thought he was more talented than Hamdan.


    And Hamdan in a way was around as a behind-the-scenes advisor to Trent. As Chris Brown had played up in his articles, Hamdan and Trent had a close relationship and Hamdan would often dish advice to Trent and Trent used Hamdan as a sounding board.


    With Trent benched, Hamdan's value was diminished. So Brohm was brought in as he was more talented than Hamdan, as you stated.

  4. In league circles Brandon is considered a hot commodity..........on the marketing side. He is a good marketing man and the Bills need one to survive. He just shouldn't be on the football side. They thought they could do it by committee, turned out to be wrong. Hopefully they will bring in someone who get develop a good system on the football side.


    And my hunch is that he's probably realized that. He was never intended to make football decisions but rather act as ex-officio head of the decision-making-by-committee approach the bills FO used this year.


    It dawned on him that the organization needs one football mind who calls all the football decision in the FO.


    As long as, Brandon has Ralph's ear, I don't see Brandon having any issue with a grand football puba running the football decision-making

  5. I very much agree. As I see it, the absolute worst thing that could happen is they bring someone in that blows up the entire roster just for the sake of making moves. This team has alot more talent than most give them credit for. IMO:


    First and foremost, bring in a new coaching staff that knows how to properly develop and implement game plans especially for teams within our division, that knows how to motivate players, and that knows how toughen up the players.


    BTW, a new GM and scouting statff should be givens.


    Second, find a damn QB! We're currently don't have anyone at the single most important position in the game.


    Otherwise, we have decent talent all over the roster; if they can stay healthy. Yes, Oline help is needed - but we don't need 5 new guys. Yes, we need help on the Dline, but we don't need 4 new guys. Yes, we need help at LB, but we don't need 3 new ones.


    So, shore up the line with a top LT pick. Bring in a solid LB either through FA or draft. And shore up the DLine. Do that, with a good coaching staff, and this team is much improved and competing within the division.


    We will definitely need to. But sadly, looking at Sanchize's recent struggles with NYJ, and Flacco's sophmore slump (notwithstanding his big game against the Bears last night), and disappointments (busts?) like Jamarcus Russell and Brady Quinn, finding a durable, consistent franchise QB who can make an immediate impact will be a challenge.

  6. i wouldnt get too excited. i guarantee the FO doesnt keep Thurman well informed. plus, he cant predict exactly what is going to happen.


    i think we ALL know there are going to be some changes, and we're ALL excited about that. but i think that is all we know. even Thurman.


    If you are correct that the FO doesn't keep Thurman well informed, do you believe Jim Kelly is? --- and perhaps Thurman is getting his sense of the behind-the-scenes stuff from Kelly?

  7. I go Maybin because his pick just reinforced that this 2009's off-season could literally go down as the worse ever in Bills History. Not only did we get rid of Peters but made one of the worst picks with our First Pick. Imagine if the front office would have found a way to keep Peters and drafted, say Oher. The line would be a completely different story. Instead we a picking off practice squads to grab OL starters. With the exception of Wood, Levitre and Williams, it seems like every other area of this team digressed (sp?) from 2008. While I like TO, I am not sure if on a whole our recieving core is any better....not that we will ever know b/c our QB is awful and the line even worse. I will not give up on Maybin but he is going to have to bulk up and show something next year.


    I agree. The Bills conditioning coach (assuming he keeps his job after our tied-for-most players on IR this year, again) has to set some objectives for him to gain 15 to 20 pounds of muscle.


    The thing working in his favor is that D-lineman take longer to develop and have an impact in the NFL, unlike linebackers who usually have an impact in their first year.

  8. i couldnt answer.


    head coach to me is secondary.


    If they hire a President and/or a GM with a track record of football knowledge and success. Im sold. Even if this individual keeps Fewell.


    If they dont, Im not renewing.




    Miami locks up LT Jake Long to a long-term contract, knowing the value of having an elite player playing that position. Bill Parcells gets it done.


    Meanwhile in Buffalo, decision-making-by-committee allows a 2-time pro-bowl LT leave to Philadelphia in a trade

  9. It was reported that Brohm is the scout team QB which means he is not even practicing the Bills offense. Putting him in and expecting him to do anything is crazy. With the shape of the O-line and the fact that this team will be overhauled at season's end, there is little reason to play Brohm just to see "what if?".




    Let him go through the offseason where he starts learning the playbook (assuming it's not Pop Warner) and then taking reps in training camp and getting field time in Exhibition games.


    The question now is who the trio of QBs will be next season.


    I'd say Brohm will be one of the 3....probably NOT Edwards.....Fitz I'm not sure


    If there's a wholesale coaching change, Fitz is gone too. He's here due to Jauron and the Decision Making by Committee gang.


    So Brohm, probably a veteran QB, and then a rookie draft choice. Who starts? Who knows?

  10. No, and Now that you mention it...


    I gotta say in all of my trips to the Ralph it never occured to me to whip out a camera in the john.


    Kudos to whoever took that picture. I've looked at that warning on the wall every time I've been in that john and laughed about it. Funny to see someone actually took a picture of it.

  11. No one is defending Trent Edward's play? Well I guess someone else stole your ID to write this:




    That sounds a lot like defending a player to me, even if the comments do hold water. Trent can't play when he is given time, so it doesn't matter. If you would re-read past posts, I said the OL is a problem, but Trent doesn't make plays when he is provided protection. No matter how much sense you lack, you can't dispute this fact...



    Trent takes 3 snaps today and JayBaller10 spends his night piling on the benched QB. He's no longer the starter. He's likely gone next year.


    Yet JayBaller10 just keeps the Trent sucks train rolling along....

  12. JayBaller, you've managed to create an argument when there wasn't one. No one anointed Trent God. The point was Trent wasn't given to time to even back peddle, just as Fitz was given none for a number of series as well. That, Mr.

    fabricator, was a fact and it remains that our O-line made Banta-Boo-Boo look like the second coming of Bruce Smith.


    Calling others an apologist merely shouts out that you have written a check your ass can't cash. You haven't the logic or knowledge to hold a legitimate discussion. :doh:


    Thank you Spiderweb. The internet is a wonderful innovation. But the nonsense that we now see on blogs (Two Bills Drive included) is incredible.


    Hold an poster's irrational comments to scrutiny and the irrationality grows.

  13. He HAS to be your hero, since you irrationally defend his play. Either that, or he is your bff... Otherwise, why not call a spade a spade? If a player can't play why continuously defend the player? It's not an exaggeration, he IS your hero.


    Honey, no one is "defending" his play.


    You're just making yourself into a bigger fool by carrying your hate-on for the benched QB to extremes and attributing.


    He's no longer our starter. He likely won't be here next year.


    What's your continuing obsession with Trent Edwards?

  14. Yes, it is profound and all that needs to be said. Makes more sense than: it's the OL's fault! Trentative just needs a capable OL!


    The benched QB takes three snaps for the briefly injured Fitz and JayBaller10 can't give up his hate-on for the California QB who likely won't be back next year.


    It's was ALL about Trent in today's game. It's Trentative's fault!

  15. Hurts? In what way? Buffalo nation, please explain comma usage and grammar rules to this one. He/she is clueless!


    Clueless is you asserting that posters on here see Trent as their "hero".


    Cite the posters who used the word or admit that you're using exaggeration to make a feeble point.

  16. Hahaha, now the apologist wants to teach me grammar rules. You might want to go back and look at your 3rd grade English book...


    I looked up my 3rd grade English book as you suggested and couldn't find any sentence resembling your silly sentence fragment: "It's difficult understanding the apologist language, you might want to type a coherent English phrase."


    Could you help point out what chapter of your 3rd grade English book we can find this in?

  17. Hahaha.. You're right, I'm just making unfounded statements when I say Trentative sucks. I have absolutely no rational analysis to back my statements. I've never watched Trentative take a snap in the NFL and I've never seen the many passes he fails to make, when he is given ample time in the pocket. Whenever anyone brings up the fact that he sucks, people like you crawl out from under the rocks trying to explain why he consistently takes sacks, throws interceptions, and fails to complete passes - it's all the OL. OL, OL, OL... I understand now, never blame Trentative, if he had a capable OL he would be an All Pro. You can root for Trentative in the UFL next year. Temporarily wearing the rosy glasses that I thought you had removed, dumbed my IQ level by 20 points. I suggest that you take them off and KEEP them off! Otherwise, you won't be able to put together a coherent sentence. Wait a minute, that's already happened - I feel for you :doh:


    Ooooooo, you've watched Trentative takes snaps in the NFL. Well kudos to you!


    Your hate-on for the benched QB is touching.


    But you've swayed us with your deep analysis. Trent "sucks" as you say. Profound.

  18. Hahaha, now the apologist wants to teach me grammar rules. You might want to go back and look at your 3rd grade English book...


    Hmmmm, hurts to be called out on your phantom assertions doesn't it, honey? Asserting that some posters on here see Trent as their "hero".


    Still waiting for you to demonstate which people posted that word describing Trent as their "hero". Or are you continuing to make things up??


    You dish out dirt on other people's grammar and then you're called out on the same thing.


    O U C H

  19. I'd assume emergency. Frye left the game, probably concussion (I'm guessing). Russell came in and then got hurt and had to come out for a play. So in comes JP.


    Concussion is what the broadcast announcers were asserting. I'm sure we'll get something definitive eventually. But once the whiff of a "concussion" was in the air, Frye was not permitted to return.

  20. It's difficult understanding the apologist language, you might want to type a coherent English phrase.


    Hillarious. JayBaller10 you plead for a "coherent English phrase", yet you throw sentence fragments at us: "It's difficult understanding the apologist language, you might want to type a coherent English phrase."


    Two fragments in one sentence.


    If can't win an argument using facts and evidence, don't rant about incoherent language when you can't pitch a coherent sentence without fragmentation.

  21. Granted the Bills offense probably would have squandered the opportunity, but the coaches at least have to give them a chance by understanding clock management. The clock management on this team has been and continues to befuddle anyone with half a brain.


    Sadly, it appears Fewell kept the worst of the Jauron era ... incompetent clock management.


    Can we send the Bills coaching staff to a course on Time/Clock Management?

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