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Abbott Rd Joe

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  1. No don't find you over critical. Speaking conceptually is ok too. Civilized debate/discussion is a good thing anywhere.
  2. Who knows if that's fair??? I'd just like to hear from law enforcement leadership as the dialogue continues.
  3. "breaking the law" is a very vague concept here. What laws are we applying in a game day/tailgate context? Maybe some underage drinking? I don't think there is a law saying I can't have a few beers and jump off my car onto a table in my yard? Even do some bat spins if it doesn't hurt anybody else. I don't recommend it, but is that really illegal? Or disorderly? It's disorderly because the NFL wants to have their cake and eat it too. If I do it on a Sunday in May, it's not disorderly. They promote tailgating and take millions of dollars in advertising money from beer companies (and get $10 a beer inside) and now want to push law enforcement into private lots because they have a PR problem on their hands as the people doing it are wearing their teams jerseys and it ends up on social media. Oh, which they sell for $100. If I didn't live a block from the stadium, you probably wouldn't see me on game day. I can honestly say that in 14 years, I've seen a major decrease in the amount of drinking that goes on game day, for the better. 10 years ago I would have people in my yard until 10pm. Now everyone is gone by 6:30. But on the other hand, you can't police everything people do in a free society and always have it fall under the guise of safety.
  4. Was kind of joking when I mentioned Homeland Security. Who knows if they would be equipped either. Based on last night's meeting and via Hammer, there could be up to 500 residential lots who park cars. I don't know if the Sheriffs will want anything to do with this. When I say Sheriffs, I mean the top decision makers. Of course, the rank and file will want to suck up the OT.
  5. Hammer - I have not heard of any news on discussing this with the neighbors. You're probably in the loop more than I. I'll direct message you through this forum with my contact info to see how I can get you a letter. Thanks.
  6. So what law enforcement agency would be patrolling lots? Homeland Security because this issue has stemmed from the threat of terrorism? Sheriffs are the major law enforcement presence on game day. I don't think the OP Town Board has consulted law enforcement enough on this. I do like what I hear from Michael Sherry whom also is former law enforcement. Buffalo News: "Michael J. Sherry, a board member and former assistant police chief, raised concerns about people losing their Fourth Amendment right to be protected against unreasonable search and seizure." So what law enforcement agency would be patrolling lots? Homeland Security because this issue has stemmed from the threat of terrorism? Sheriffs are the major law enforcement presence on game day. I don't think the OP Town Board has consulted law enforcement enough on this. OP Police Department doesn't have the staff to handle this entire thing. I do like what I hear from Michael Sherry whom also is former law enforcement. Buffalo News: "Michael J. Sherry, a board member and former assistant police chief, raised concerns about people losing their Fourth Amendment right to be protected against unreasonable search and seizure."
  7. Since 2002. When originally bought it was a form of commercial zoning as my property was a former business. I'm in between Southwestern and Milestrip. I'll check with the town this week to confirm my zoning. Can't make the meeting this Wednesday as I will be out of town, so please keep me posted Hammer, thanks. More BS goes on in the stadium lots. The private lots are generally better run because you have the property owner (people like Hammer and I) who are there for the whole duration and keeping an eye on things and actually know their parkers.
  8. I'll take my sign down, thank you. It will be a private party and I'll continue "whoring" my land. So someone's car, purse, cooler, etc. in my yard is not protected by the 4th Amendment? There's more to this than just coming onto the property with probable cause. Lots of grey area here. At the end of the day, the Erie County Sheriffs will want nothing to do with this in my opinion. I believe so. House with about 3/4 of an acre.
  9. Private lots are not public places, and I happen to own one. 4th Amendment my friend. This is not about public property. Local law enforcement will want nothing to do with this. It's the elected officials who are catering to Goodell and the NFL who want to have carte Blanche to come onto tax payers property all in the name of protecting the cash cow that is the NFL to minimize bad situations that end up on social media. If I have an issue in my yard, I'll call the OP Police. Bingo! Thank you.
  10. Aaron is concentrating on two things right now - golf and drinking Bud Lite.
  11. Word from Houston is that Aaron packed up the truck yesterday and hit the road. He's on his way...
  12. I run into Aaron from time to time. Saw him before the opener and at the time he was hinting about "finding something else to do for a living." He's a quiet guy, but a straight shooter. He has a young family and I believe recently built his dream house back in the Houston area. I'm sure that playing 9 seasons for an organization with no direction has taken its toll (plus the nagging injuries) on him. And being a competitive guy, i think he wants to leave on his own terms. He knows he's lost a step but can still play. He won't be a guy to hang on for the paycheck. He knows he's made all the money he needs in life. He's smart with his money and has other interests in life besides football. I know he likes golf, and is probably ready to head back to Texas and start to heard cattle for a living. No way he comes back after sitting out a year to sign with a New England like some have mentioned. Long shot possibility is he asks the Bills to trade his rights to Houston so he can finish his career at home. Other than that, I think he's done.
  13. Um the wrong thread to start after Josh Reed probably had his best game as a Buffalo Bill and is clearly limiting Hardy's playing time right now. My pick - Herman Moore.
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