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Posts posted by JohnC

  1. 26 minutes ago, FireChans said:

    Put your money where your mouth is! I bet you $1M in BTC that Josh Allen will have a better ERA than Dak Prescott!!!!!!

    Kirby won't be able to take the bet. He lost all of his money after he invested in Bitcoins when the North Koreans hacked into his savings account. Last I heard he was playing the sax on a French Corner in Orleans hoping that the long lost tourists would throw a dollar or two in his hat. I warned him. However, he foolishly didn't heed the warning. :ph34r:

    • Haha (+1) 1
  2. Attached is a five minute link from a Bflo/Wash home game.  Although it is evident that the Sabres have deficiencies they have shown that they can compete with the upper echelon teams. The GM needs to make some deals this offseason that will better balance the roster.


    One line that was playing well together for a short stint at the end of the season was the Kahun-Johannson-Olofsson line. They have a lot of skill and they all can skate. They are a promising line. And Kahun intrigues me as a player. Botts should be charged with felonious theft in trading Sheary and Rodrigues for Kahun. And without a doubt swapping Nylander for Joki was an advantageous deal for us. 



  3. 6 hours ago, GunnerBill said:

    I think Diggs is a good guy. I don't think he is anything like the diva sometimes portrayed by some. 

    Some coaches are too rigid to tolerate lively personalities who don't always fully embrace the company line. There was some volatile/petulant and selfish behavior on the player's part. But he wasn't a bad guy or a poisonous influence in the locker room. Coaches like Zimmer have to realize that the Marine drill sergeant approach to coaching players doesn't work in the long run in this era. The job of a coach is to manage a wide array of personalities as it is designing schemes for the offense or defense.


    Diggs was a talented and passionate player who also was one of the hardest working players on the team. Without question there were times when he was a challenge to deal with. When you make the room small it shouldn't be surprising that some people want to escape from that suffocating room. 

    • Like (+1) 3
  4. 1 hour ago, Dr. Who said:


    My impression of Botts which could be utterly wrong is that he is a decent, industrious fella, but I don't sense creativity. You need some to be a good tactician. I also think he is seen by other GMs as someone you can take advantage of -- that ROR deal did him and the team no favors. Anyway, since he's getting one last shot, I hope for all our sakes he is successful.

    You make a very interesting point about the GM not being very creative. I agree with you to an extent. It seems to me that he took the job with the intention of following a standard process of rebuilding mostly through drafting and developing. That is how he has attained his core players such as Jack and Dahlin in addition to some of the other young players. Now that he has his homegrown core he needs to surround them with more supportive players. And doing that you need to make trades. As you noted the ROR deal stung him. So he is going to be more cautious in not making such an imbalanced deal again. That is evident by not willing to deal Risto last year, although he did scan the market. So while a lot of people are frustrated that he didn't deal the player last year when he expressed a desire to be moved the GM held firm that unless he got a fair-value return he wasn't going to make a deal. For that I give him credit. However, that doesn't mean that there won't be a better offer for Risto this year.   

    • Like (+1) 1
  5. 2 hours ago, BillsFan4 said:


    Yeah I love that about him. I think his positivity was needed in the Sabres locker room. 

    I still have faith in Krueger. I want to see what he can do with a better lineup.


    I’m bummed that we won’t get to see Krueger coach in this playoff “play-in” tournament. He’s made his name coaching tournament hockey and he’s got some pretty big upsets on his record. 

    The bigger issue for me is not so much seeing him coaching an incomplete team that is lucky to make the playoffs. I have said it before and I mean it: The Sabres didn't deserve to participate in the playoffs this year. That is of their own doing. My bigger wish is for the erudite coach having the opportunity in the near future (next year) to coach a more well rounded team. I want him to have the opportunity to have a full roster and then be allowed to apply his philosophy and system.


    My opinion regarding this team on where it stands/ranks is a minority opinion here.  I don't believe that we are far away from moving up the ranks to being a very competitive team. The cautious GM is on the last year of his contract. He knows that he has to be more aggressive in making some deals to add scoring talent to the roster. And he has gambled that young players such as Mitts, Tage and Cozens will be ready to play at the next level. It's a do or die situation for him. And I'm sure that he knows it. 

    • Like (+1) 2
  6. 14 minutes ago, BillsFan4 said:



    Starts about 6 minutes in.

    I listened to Krueger on a WGR taping. The one constant characteristic of an extended Krueger interview is that he is uplifting and positive. His comments about Jack's and Risto's expressions of frustration demonstrate his positivity. He made the point that those comments show that these players care and are not satisfied with the current situation. He pointed out that both of these players are a couple of the hardest working players on the team. While many of us believe that Risto will be traded for some forward help it appears that Risto is a player he wants to keep because of his physicality. 


    There is no question that fans are getting tired of not being a relevant franchise. They understandably are fatigued. However, when you listen to Krueger you see a man who believes in himself and has confidence in what it takes to build and transform a struggling franchise into a successful franchise. For him it is a process that he believes in. I see little discouragement on his part in this excruciating journey to respectability. 


    • Like (+1) 1
  7. 12 hours ago, Dr. Who said:

    Fella who posts at Sabres Hockeybuzz says Eichel wants out and it will become more clear soon. He's had inside information before, so I don't think it can be dismissed out-of-hand. In general, hard to see much to fend off despair with this team. To balance it out, there is talent on the team. A competent GM would make 3 - 4 shrewd moves and you could see a playoff team. Just not confident we have that GM.

    If the GM doesn't make some meaningful moves to upgrade the roster this offseason the situation will become dire not only with Jack's disgruntlement but with other prime players such as Dahlin and Reinhart. The GM is on the last year of his contract. He's aware that he has to be more aggressive in reshuffling the roster in order to balance it out. The owners may not be the most astute hockey people but they certainly are aware that the fan base is withering and  becoming apathetic after being subjected to this long-term irrelevancy that started before the current GM took the job. Clearly, at this stage it is not about the process as it is about the more immediate results.  

  8. The attached link is a column by Bill Hoppe writing for the Buffalo Hockey Beat. This a reprise of a number of similar articles by others writing about Risto and his awareness that he may be traded this offseason. It seems that he not only is aware that he might be traded but it indicates that isn't adverse to being traded. 


    Craig Buttons was on WGR today and was asked by Howard Simons about Cozens and whether he was ready to play in the NHL league next year. Buttons spoke in glowing terms about him. He believed that Cozens was not only good enough to play right away but also that he was adaptable to play whatever role he was asked to play and contribute. 



  9. The link is a NY Times article by Trip Gabriel describing how some republican members of the PA. State House hid the fact that a republican member tested positive without telling the democratic members that they could have been exposed to the virus. While they privately got tested and quarantined themselves the democratic members went about their business and lives not knowing that they could have been exposed. It's a hideous exhibition of hypocrisy and deceit for the purpose of following a political and ideological agenda. 


    If you click on the  8 minute youtube clip you can view the unadulterated anger of Brian Sims, a democratic house member.


    https://www.nytimes.com/2020/05/28/us/politics/andrew-lewis-brian-sims-pa-house-coronavirus.html?action=click&module=Top Stories&pgtype=Homepage

  10. Attached is a link by Lance Lysowski from the BN writing about his seven point takeaway from the Botterill news conference. Much of the article addresses the obvious issues of the necessity of having more scoring beyond the Jack line and the hope that Ullmark will be a good enough #1 goalie. The writer's summarization addresses the issues that most of us have consistently discussed here.




  11. 4 minutes ago, GG said:


    And yet Botts opened up his PC with this line of thinking, and is rightfully getting flamed for it

    Without question there is a variation between Marty's approach and Botts. I understand why the GM is receiving criticism from the frustrated fans. Botts is following a plan that he believes in. Now his job is at stake. And that is how it should be. 

  12. 1 minute ago, K-9 said:

    Willing to? Botterill already has. Those three will either hit next season or he’s gone. Simple as that. Personally, I doubt he will last the entire season. 

    I agree with you that Botts is mostly invested in those three players contributing next year. If he brings in some more established players then having two out of the three mentioned players would still fit in with his approach of relying on that type of building your roster from within. As you well know I'm less critical of the GM than most because I felt all along that it was going to take time for him to implement his philosophy. He's entering the last year of his contract and the ownership has been more than patient in allowing him to do execute his plan in franchise building.  I see it as his do or die year; and that is how it should be. 



  13. Attached is a 15 minute link with Marty Biron on WGR. The interview focuses on Marty's analysis of the roster and what he would do this offseason. His view is that the Sabres shouldn't assume that its young players/prospects such as Mitts, Tage and Cozens will be ready to significantly contribute next season. It's his belief that the philosophy of waiting for the young players has been going on for too long, and it is now time to make deals and reshuffle the roster more. 


    He also gave his analysis of the state of our goaltending situation. He believes that Hutton is sufficient as a backup when playing less. It's my impression that Marty agrees with retaining the GM but he would place more emphasis on getting more developed talent even if it requires dealing some of the emerging prospects. 


    Overall, I thought Marty's analysis was a fair assessment of where this team is and what it needs to do to advance. 



  14. Attached is an AP article by John W. about Botterill's press conference with the media. It's very likely that the GM will make some deals to better balance the roster with more scoring throughout the lines beyond the top line. However, his roster building strategy mostly revolves around developing your own talent. It appears that he is willing to stake his job on the belief that Mitts, Tage and Cozens will improve and contribute at the NHL level. 


    As much as there is more attention directed toward the young forwards what will be the biggest factor in improving the team's record is the play of Ullmark as our #1 goaltender. If he plays as a solid first goalie that in itself will be a major upgrade. If the collective play of our goaltenders remain average or less then this team will continue to be stuck in the morass of mediocrity. 



  15. 49 minutes ago, njbuff said:


    I tried to be fair in my offer (I think I was), but nobody did like Lou did back in the day.


    He knew how to fleece his fellow GM. ?

    Bald oldster Lou is pure and simple old school. He did well with Jersey and much to my surprise this oldster has done a terrific job with the Islanders. I thought he had lost touch with the game but after being dispatched from Jersey he took on his new assignment with greater urgency. Got to give him credit.  

  16. 1 hour ago, njbuff said:


    Didn't inquire about Dahlin. I know he is as about as untouchable as it gets.


    From my point of view, Eichel and Blackwood would be superior building blocks to a championship future for NJ.


    I tried. ?

    Jersey boys are always trying to fleece the opposition when they are vulnerable and acting out of frustration. When dealing with the prowling Jersey Boys trying outhustle the downtrodden you have to remain vigilant and keep your hands on your wallet.  :ph34r:

  17. 1 hour ago, Mr. WEO said:


    He was judged impaired at the scene....



    If the law is similar in Texas as it is in the example of Michigan, it won't matter which impaired him, or his BAL.    They wouldn't have to prove which if the laws are similar.  Isn't that why they charge him with "another substance"?

    Being arrested isn't the end of the process. It is the beginning of it. I'm sure he will have good legal representation that will vigorously act on his behalf. Let's wait and see how this plays out.



    • Like (+1) 1
  18. 12 minutes ago, njbuff said:

    I will up the ante on my trade offer.


    The Devils get Jack Eichel and the Sabres get Jack Hughes, Kyle Palmieri, Jesper Boqvist, the highest 2020 1st round pick, a 2021 1st round pick and another player of your choosing that isn't named Mackenzie Blackwood. And if you choose Nico Hischier, I get to choose another player that is acceptable from your roster.


    It's a lot, but both franchises need a kick in the azz.

    No! The Sabres don't need a kick in the arse as much as they need an earnest spanking. The Sabres have assets and a high draft pick to parlay for some help. Jack is the heart and soul on this team that comes about once in every generation. It's self-defeating and deadly to put a dagger in your own heart. And don't you dare even think about Dahlin!

  19. 2 hours ago, BillsFan4 said:

    To me, anyone working in one of the 4 major professional sports leagues is at the top of their field. 


    I don’t view it as “NHL strength and conditioning” or “hockey strength and conditioning”. I view him as a strength and conditioning coach that earned one of only 31 NHL head strength and conditioning jobs in the entire world.


    He didn’t start out in hockey. It was his lectures and work with three professional rugby teams in the United Kingdom (the 3 teams he worked for won the European Rugby Champions Cup, three English Premiership Championships, and two English League Cup titles) that got him one of those 31 NHL jobs, putting him at the top of his industry.


    Ive never even heard of anything like this happening before, have you?


    The heart of the matter in the consideration of this immigration issue has little to do with expertise and status in one's field. It's simply an anti-immigration stance being applied by an anti-immigration administration through the court system that it has staffed. If you think what happened with the Sabre strength and conditioning staff doesn't make sense then read this link where people have to fight on behalf of doctor who is risking her life attending to infected American citizens to retain her status. It's freaking crazy and stupid!



    • Like (+1) 1
  20. 1 hour ago, Mr. WEO said:


    I just picked a state where even a prescribed controlled substance is not legal while driving.  I may be wrong about the visibly impaired part (although Ed was, per the officer, visibly impaired, having failed the FST).


    There is a booming legal business of defending people busted for this in Michigan.



    This was from the first one that popped up:


    Michigan law prohibits driving with any amount of a controlled substance in your system, including may prescription medications. You should check the Drug Enforcement Agency’s (DEA) full list of scheduled substances for a complete list. Here are some of the more common controlled substances with medical uses that we see in connection to Michigan impaired driving cases:


    ADHD medication- These medications include amphetamine (which makes up Adderall) and methylphenidate (Concerta).



    3 hours ago, Mr. WEO said:




    Michigan classifies adderall as a Schedule II controlled substance.


    257.625   Michigan Vehicle Code:



      (1) A person, whether licensed or not, shall not operate a vehicle upon a highway or other place open to the general public or generally accessible to motor vehicles, including an area designated for the parking of vehicles, within this state if the person is operating while intoxicated. As used in this section, "operating while intoxicated" means any of the following:
      (a) The person is under the influence of alcoholic liquor, a controlled substance, or other intoxicating substance or a combination of alcoholic liquor, a controlled substance, or other intoxicating substance.
    Looks like it's pretty strict, and not limited to Schedule I and does not require visible impairment.
    Tons of Michigan law firms online that advertise defense for people charged DWI for non Schedule I.... adderall for instance--even with a prescription.

    I still recommend going along with Sig1Hunter's interpretation of the law. As he noted the critical issue comes down to "impairment".

    • Like (+1) 1
  21. 38 minutes ago, Mr. WEO said:


    I found this, as an example:


    Michigan law prohibits driving with any amount of a controlled substance in your system, including may prescription medications. You should check the Drug Enforcement Agency’s (DEA) full list of scheduled substances for a complete list. 


    amphetamines (adderall is on the list).  It seems to hold true even if the driver isn't obviously/visibly impaired?

    From the googling that I did unless the law specifically prohibits driving with any amount of a controlled substance in your system (including prescriptions) like it does in the Michigan law that you cited the critical issue relates to impairment (as indicated by Sig1Hunter's response). And as he noted it is not easy for the state to link. Sig1Hunter has the best grasp of the law and underlying reasoning on this drug issue. I would trust his judgment on this issue. 

  22. WGR's Joe DiBiase reported that the Sabres announced that Jason Botterill will return next season. I have no problem with keeping the GM who is on the last year of his contract. If he doesn't do enough to improve the roster this offseason then he will have sealed his own fate. 



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