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Posts posted by Hedge

  1. 9 hours ago, Hedge said:


    In the video of the speech she mentioned "December at 4:07PM", with no date. It's obviously much later than that in the video of the pyramid object over the Pentagon. And if it was really 4:07PM wouldn't there be a lot more videos of it?



    I was listening to the video again and I think she actually says 4:07AM. I think the subtitle of "PM" is not correct. So, perhaps the time does align with the video.


    But...then there is also this:

    This “PYRAMID” that was recorder December 19th 2018 hovering over the Pentagon was done by artist ADYOR VANDERLEI. FROM VOLTA SEVEN STUDIOS.







  2. 1 hour ago, LABillzFan said:


    If it turns that Dems are now throwing themselves in front of cars to protest Trump...well...I'll be honest.


    That's change I can believe in.


    I like this one also:


    “I was trying to light myself on fire as an act of protest,” the man told NBC 4. “Protesting the fact that we've elected someone who is completely incapable of respecting the Constitution of the United States.”


    You had 1 job!

    • Haha (+1) 2
  3. Some random thoughts as I was walking back from lunch about this UFO UN video leak


    • The Democrats are sure going to interesting lengths to have to prove that RBG is alive.
    • Oh crap, the Democrats are going to use alien technology to re-animate RBG.
    • Is this going to come out a deep fake video that will then be pointed to, in order to push doubt that any other video that gets released in the near future can't be believed.
    • If there ever was a case for globalism, an inter species war would sure be the thing.


    • Thank you (+1) 1
  4. 1 minute ago, Deranged Rhino said:


    Last month, December 20th (around then). 


    In the video of the speech she mentioned "December at 4:07PM", with no date. It's obviously much later than that in the video of the pyramid object over the Pentagon. And if it was really 4:07PM wouldn't there be a lot more videos of it?


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  5. 1 hour ago, DC Tom said:


    I'm pretty sure if he wanted to throw the election against Clinton, he had plenty of ammunition from her 20 years in the public eye as First Lady, Senator, Secretary of State, and involvement in the Clinton Foundation.


    Why the hell would anyone actively try to support her opponent - particularly an opponent as unelectable as Trump - when they can much more easily and believably tear her down?


    Yep, it would have been much simpler.

    In October 2016, a few weeks before the general election, Putin could have easily said: "You Americans are so stupid. To name a few things, we have given the Clinton Foundation $145 million, paid Bill Clinton $500,000 for a speech, and purchased a sizable chunk of your uranium. Are you really going to vote for Comrade Clintons, who we own?"


    Granted, HRC still would have received 40 million votes because people are stupid, but it would have been more than enough to ensure that she lost the popular vote!


    But...no. Instead we are led to believe they preferred to go the route of this dog and pony show which barely tipped the scales in their "preferred" candidates direction.

    • Like (+1) 1
  6. 1 minute ago, /dev/null said:

    I have to hand it to Nancy on this one.  Tuesday after the Super Bowl people are waking up from their hangovers and most of America will be looking for someone to vent there anger towards about the Patriots* winning another Super Bowl.  The only Americans that won't already be pissed off when the SOTU starts are Patriots* fans, but most of New England already hate Trump anyway


    Actually, in that light, it's odd that the invite wasn't scheduled for a time during the Super Bowl.

    • Thank you (+1) 1
  7. 3 hours ago, bilzfancy said:



    While I would like to pile on, in all fairness, this may have been a fake account that tweeted that out (the "l" in her last name possibly was a capital "i" in the account name). I saw this awhile ago, but refrained from posting because I have not verified that claim. 

    I am not very Twatter savvy, but for those who know how to see deleted tweets, can you find this on her account?

    Can you even find the pictured tweet anymore? The picture is to small for me to see the account, but it may be this one: https://twitter.com/bpadj



  8. 4 minutes ago, Figster said:

    The best way to secure our borders on the ground is by using patrol dogs trained to track, catch and hold their intruder/s until help arrives in my humble opinion. The dog provides a moving wall that is hard to detect, even harder to out smart IMO. Cheap, border patrol could manage them and you could designate Shep off of Live PD as their fearless 4 legged leader. ( kidding )


    Does this sound humane to woman and children, no, absolutely not. It is my belief however the dangerous cross country migration teamed with the thought of Patrol dogs trained to apprehend you when you reach the US border would eliminte 99% of the problem.




    Do you propose to have a huge pack of hundreds of these dogs that go around together that catch the *groups* of illegals that come across? But at least they wouldn't think of bringing along shotguns to dispose of these dogs, so the plan has that going for it...

    • Thank you (+1) 1
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