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Ghost of Nozzlenut

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Everything posted by Ghost of Nozzlenut

  1. Wow, what a coincidence...mine is on the 18th also! Cool!
  2. Those Rethuglicans are beginning to come out of the log cabin! I mean you know how much they hate people of color and gays! What a bunch of Hypocrites! Barney Fag at least admits he was running a whorehouse, but these re-pigs...they take it to another level. Blzrul...I couldn't agree any more with your postings. You are such an astute an un-biased reporter of the treasonous crimes these yellow-bellied chicken-hawks perpetrated. I'm personnaly just thankful that we have you here amongst all these crazy people to TELL THE TRUTH!! Like a fart making it's way to anal ring...you bring the true stench to light!
  3. "If I was a Little debbie" If I was a Little debbie, I would be made of spongy cake, Thoughts of President Kerry, Would make my creamy insides quake, Covered in a waxy coating, With all the fat people doting, I'd lie in my plastic wrapper at night, In constant Neo-Con fright If I was a Little debbie, Everything would be great, Those who didn't agree with me, Surely I would hate, I'd post on a bulletin board, To share my venom with the massing hoard, If I was a Little debbie, If I was a Little debbie
  4. This is lunacy of the highest order! What a bunch of pompuss, ignominious, pedophiles! We pay those fighting men and women enough, why do they need a party? Surely that money could've been better spent by giving it to the art world! We need more urine and feces art Dammit! If I was a betting person, I would bet one of the Kennedy clan included the money in the bill, because you KNOW they love a party!!!!!!!!
  5. We should use my $.10 solution on this pedophile...A round between the eyes will save the US taxpayers hundreds of thousands of dollars in prosecuting and imprisoning this rump ranger.
  6. I don't know why we are provoking the peacful leadership of Iran. I mean really...what have they done to us? Ahmendinijihad is simply trying to make a peaceful power plant. I can't believe the shrub didn't respond to his peace offering when he sent him that letter? What is our country coming to???
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