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Posts posted by sweetbaboo

  1. If you're planning on going to grad school (especially in the science/engineering area), save your money and go to UB for undergrad. After you've got your bachelor's degree then move south.


    I have to admit however, while it would not have helped me in my career, I do kind of wish I had gone to a big football school.

  2. That's the route I took except he insists that Curtis' action is held up because he is behind to hall of famers in Bruce and Holt. I said in the salary cap era if Curtis was so good then why did they cut Bruce and re-sign him a year or two ago?


    well, to be fair, he was pretty damn good for my fantasy football league 2 years ago when bruce was injured


    he was just floating around on the waiver wire because no one knew who the hell he was

  3. every team passing on adrian peterson will be the legacy of this draft.


    do wahtever it takes to get him


    drinking game!

    everytime he says "you know," take a shot of vodka

    you'll be wasted in the first 10 seconds


    I wanna say that, you know, you know, when i, when i first came you know, you know, I knew what I had to do, you know, I came down, worked hard, you know, just, you know, worked my butt off everyday and I knew, you know, some come good out of it
  4. Good to see that college did wonders for your spelling. "Sparttaugh"?

    Well, it did yield me a Ph.D.


    I used to be an avid reader of ancient greek literature and am well aware of how Sparta should be spelled. If you watch the movie (or just the trailer), Gerard Butler's scottish accent gives it the "taugh" sound.


    But please, mister born in 1987, let's talk more about my education.


    THIS IS SPARTAUGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



    It was freaking fabulous. It took some liberties with history but the way the story was told and coupled to the action was fantastic.

    Seeing the Spartan phalanx in action gave me a nerdgasm.


    alot of boobies btw and a softcore porno-like scene didn't really fit BUT that stuff draws no complaints from me

  6. Bruce Smith was a damn good player prior to the broncos signing him to the offer sheet. As I recall that was one of the longest weeks of my life waiting for Ralph to pony up and match the deal. He was a bit chubby and slack initially but the guy was clearly a stud by his third year. He had 51 sacks in four years leading up to the Broncos signing him. It would have cost them two number ones if the Bills failed to match. Clearly in todays market no team is willing to risk that on our former RB "star."

    when the hell did the broncos show any interest in Bruce Smith?

  7. the university of rochester has done something similar as well



    In the past few years, scientists have found ways to make light go both faster and slower than its usual speed limit, but now researchers at the University of Rochester have published a paper today in Science on how they've gone one step further: pushing light into reverse. As if to defy common sense, the backward-moving pulse of light travels faster than light.
  8. They've been upable to come up with those stops for 8 years now, even when the D was ranked #1 or 2 in the league.

    that's true...i haven't seen the Bills come up with many good stops on 3rd or 4th and short since the days of shane conlan

  9. this is really a shame, I hope she gets the help she needs, no one deserves to live thier lives like this...hopefully she can work it out so she doesnt end up like ANS among others

    bothers me not at all


    the world won't miss a beat without her around


    though the luxury market economy might suffer a bit with one "star" missing to throw cash around

  10. Another point, I am wrong for demanding that a teacher do their job effectively and efficiently during the day so that I don't have to do their job at night. Your a teachers wet dream if you dont take that stance with them.

    make sure those teachers are teaching the difference between "your" and "you're" so you don't have to.

  11. interesting...when I was a kid, my mom thought we didn't get enough homework

    so in addition to school work, swim team and violin lessons, she went to Paul's Teacher's Pet and bought more math problems for me to do


    personally, I don't think kids need to bust their asses until they get into college. They will however have to learn good study habits or else they're screwed in a high pressure engineering curriculum.

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