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Posts posted by sweetbaboo

  1. The Departed-I heard they were making a sequel, and I wondered..how could they...everyone is dead?

    The original HK version was a trilogy





    The first part was what we saw in Scorcese's copy. The second part was a prequel. The third part featured the Matt Damon character being consumed by guilt. He was never killed by any Marky Mark type character in the original.


    I can see a prequel being made. I cannot see a third part being done. There aren't any main characters left.

  2. John Adams, check it out. people are starting to fight back and win.


    im not scared of bullies


    Billionares picking on 11 year old kids


    wait a minute...fighting back?


    as much as I disagree with and hate the recording companies, downloading music is still stealing


    if you're going to do it, recognize what you're doing, accept it and do it...don't pretend that people are out there fighting for higher causes

  3. Billy Joel's rendition was just plain awful.


    Billy Joel raced through the national anthem as if he was driving in the Indy 500. He took 1 minute and 31 seconds to sing it, 13 seconds short. His voice is also bad bad bad.


    Couldn't they bring Whitney back now that she's divorced her crack head dealer and in recovery.




    he didn't miss any lyrics, but yeah, it was out of tune and poorly done


    Whitney's version, while fantastic, was prerecorded and lip-synced at the Super Bowl


    Houston performed "The Star Spangled Banner" at Super Bowl XXV in 1991, using a pre-recorded version of the song.
  4. The articles weren't completely clear about that. The ads have been around major cities for weeks, but did they put them all up at the same time or did they do LA one day, New York the next... ? I sure as hell never saw the things and I'm in the immediate area of two of them.

    Apparently they've been in NYC since New Year's Eve.

  5. If terrorists wanted to blow stevestojan up all over the United States they can, and this story proves it. These things were left in various locations for two to three weeks before they were found. I'd say the system failed. This is NOT in any way shape or form an example of how the system is protecting us. It's not doing anything of the sort. I believe the system is more or less prepared to deal with the aftermath of such an attack, but not to prevent it.


    Instead of throwing innocent Americans in jail when they had no intention of blowing up or scaring anybody, we should realize it was a misunderstanding and go about our business. Maybe introduce some practical legislation to prevent these types of marketing techniques, or require permits and public disclosure for them?


    But no, let's hold a press conference and look good for the TV cameras and proclaim that we want to put these guys in jail for many many years. Now that's a mayor!

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