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Posts posted by Patience

  1. Yes and Im sure McFarland looked much better when they surrender 100 yards rushing to the Ravens and Panthers, 150 against the Saints, and 306 yards in rushing alone to the Falcons.



    Who does he have to help him?


    It's a damn mess down in Tampa Bay.


    And BTW, they didn't look too bad vs. Cincinnati today. Surrendering only 14 points to one of the most prolific offenses in the league.

  2. i agree! - this could be the only way we get value from Nate this year. He certainly isnt giving us much value on the field and we can't tag him and trade him in the off-season. might as well get something for him. anyways, youboty should be ready sometime soon too.



    With McFarland, we wouldn't need an "All-Pro" like Nate at CB.


    I say pull the trigger on this.

  3. Won't matter if Clements leaves, we can't be much worse.


    He just got torched by Roy freakin' Williams.


    Build a good pass rush in the FA / Draft, and suddenly there's no need for an "All-Pro" like Nate at CB.


    Trade Clements for McFarland, and pick up Gaines Adams, DE in the Draft.

  4. McFarland?  20 career sacks?  In his seventh season?  Soon to be 29?  He's missed 21 out of 100 regular season games.  Anyone want a guy that plays 1 out of every 5 games?


    Someone, anyone, I need help... please explain to me why this slob makes the bills a better team?



    1. Plugs the middle of the field

    2. Improve run defense

    3. Disrupts the QB

    4. Relatively young

  5. Where's the FU smiley when you need it?


    (And yeah, those Texas players like Priest Holmes and Roy Williams have been HUGE busts)



    Yep, even Florida players over Texas. :blink:


    And for those 2 players at Texas that succeeded in the NFL, I can go back, and name a bunch of busts.


    Mike Williams, how can we forget him?

  6. Anyone hear Collinsworth picking on Marino on Inside The NFL, and finish the Darryl Talley segment off by saying, "Well Dan, the entire city of Buffalo DOES hate you....every single person...." Then the camera pans to Marino and he's staring into the camera like someone kicked his dog....




    DAN MARINO.......SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!


    I love to hate Dan Marino. My un-born children will know to hate Dan Marino!



    I don't hate Marino.


    Why would I? We owned his azz on every level.


    Who would hate that?

  7. These are the possible LBs who will be UFA in 2007. Which ones would be an upgrade over Fletcher, if the Bills don't re-sign him




    Cato June, UFA, Indianapolis Colts

    Recent legal trouble could hurt his stock, but June was a first time starter in the Pro Bowl this past season. He’s relatively young and a tackling machine, so it’s likely that the Colts will do what they can to retain his talents. There’s good chance that June hits the market, though, to see what other organizations have to offer him financially; the Colts inability to reach the Super Bowl may also factor into a decision to leave. June’s not an overpowering player, so a team interested in him will be looking at utilizing his speed as a top priority, in the same way that the Colts have done. June will be the most sought after linebacker on the market, and perhaps the most sought after defensive player.




    There's a name that catches my eye.


    He's played in this kind of defense, and he would have a former teammate in Tripplett.


    I like Briggs a lot, too.

  8. Why do you need to stand to cheer?  Please explain the science behind cheering becoming louder when you block the view of people behind you.  I get as loud as anyone, but it drives me nuts when some idiot is standing with his back to the game motioning everyone to stand up!  I used to be in a section where half the people stood up in the middle of a play and complained when someone asked them to stop ruining their view.  I am so much happier to be in a section where people are enthusiastic AND considerate.



    Ehh, just used to it I guess.

  9. Yeah, bunch of creeps on this board with the negativity and child-like critism. 


    This is a young and inexperienced team.  They're going to break your hearts on and off this year.  It'll make them stronger next year.  Relax and adjust  your  expectations.



    You're preaching to the choir.



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